Iranians are joining in.......

My thoughts are that the Middle East has been unstable for so long hopes of making it otherwise will only end up as one of many failed attempts.
It's like those woman who only go after abusive men. They know no different and chaos is normal to them. :(
Dropping an atomic bomb on Iraq is like a playmate with an STD, you know you want to hit it, but your affraid of the consequences.

When someone hides in a mosque to use as a religious shield and stop an american onslaught, you are no better than a cockroach that runs into the dark when the lights are turned on. As soon as the cleric even steps foot outside that mosque a special forces sniper should be right there to remind the rest of the chronies that WE MEAN BUSINESS. The cleric himself is US's constipation and all we need to do is have the balls to take an enima and watch their cause go swirling.
I hate nothing more than when president Bush doesnt give us information that the US should know about. I am not talking about top secret files, i am talking about other leaders of other countries sending in their troops to fortify the backing of insurgents.
If Bush pulls out of Iraq earlier than when we hand it over to the people of Iraq HE WILL NOT BE BACK FOR A 2nd TERM. We must stay on the path we have made ourselves and make sure that when we leave the place in better shape (to the people of Iraq) than it was under Saddam. If we do not we have made an international mistake that will not be soon forgotten.
We gotta go out and kill all them 'Rabs, cause the only good "rab is the one thats dead..............yeeeeeeeeeeeeee haw!

Sarcasm rules!
Originally posted by kshef
wish we had a terrorist ally that didnt like the middle east

We've got the Kurds. They have no problem killing Shiites or Sunnis.

The media is giving more support to the terrorists than the Iranians ever could, though.

This morning the news reported that the "transport Helicopter crashed and gun fire kept troops from reaching the crash site to check for bodies"

The true story was a H53 crash landed after an RPG hit and burned and it was reporters interviewing the THE GUYS THAT SHOT IT DOWN. THEY were the ones that said "they couldn't reach the crash site to check for bodies" because of US GUNFIRE. They couldn't find any bodies because there weren't any.

It's enough to really make you mad.
A great solution for over crowded prisons.....Send the hard core prisinors over there and let the games begain....I'm sure all the gangs from the U.S will have a field day with the terrorist there:D
Originally posted by 2quiktocare
Wasn't that the old movie "Dirty Dozen" ?

I think you are right! You know, that would be a great movie re-make. Current day gang members go to the Middle East to fight.

You might should go into the screenplay writing business.:D
The dilemma in every war is that you'd love to play by their rules, but you're perceived to be no better than they are if you do.

A glimpse into the minds of these folks - Palestinian terrorists say they kill Israeli women and children because they don't have the means to stand up to the Israeli army. Nice.

The "hide in the mosque" thing cracks me up. OK, we won't kill you if you kill us and run into your mosque. Come on. Does anyone of right mind honestly believe we should abide by such a rule? If that were the case, we'd better prepare to be taken over by the Vatican.

Meanwhile, terrorists are strapping C4 to their sons and daughters, dressing in stolen 82nd Airborne uniforms, and hiding RPGs in ambulances.

Besides, everybody knows that the biggest obstacle to fighting is the stupid media and American public. If my Mom and Dad had appeared on TV whining and begging for the Army to return me from Viet Nam 35 years ago I'd have shot MYSELF. Some folks need the enemy's boot firmly planted on their neck before they realize what freedom is all about. And to think they killed 3,000 innocents in NYC a couple of years ago. Christ, do we have a short memory, or what?

Originally posted by 2quiktocare
Wasn't that the old movie "Dirty Dozen" ?


I have just have a odd way of thinking about things sometimes, path of least resistance and use of tax payers monies. Let the prisinors earn their freedom back, most would want a second or third chance at freedom anyway..... I know I'm not being realistic, but hay, just a thought :p

Why would Bush want this to get out ? If we are thrust into a front w/ Iran. Most intelligent thinkers will realize. we are not getting out of there for the next 20 years
Unfortunatly our previous plan of giving them both Iraq & Iran enough weapons to kill each other didnt work , if it wasnt for those meddling arabs and their stupid camel we would have gotten away with our evil plan . Seriously now i agree with Strike Eagle about the Media and public being the biggest pains . These same whinners would be crying " Why didnt someone stop them " Well we are so shut the F#(k up ! Were not waiting this time for the push to turn into a punch . And being a NYC fireman 9/11 is quite fresh in my mind . God bless the troops ...Kick ass and come home safe !
Originally posted by strikeeagle

Besides, everybody knows that the biggest obstacle to fighting is the stupid media and American public. If my Mom and Dad had appeared on TV whining and begging for the Army to return me from Viet Nam 35 years ago I'd have shot MYSELF. Some folks need the enemy's boot firmly planted on their neck before they realize what freedom is all about. And to think they killed 3,000 innocents in NYC a couple of years ago. Christ, do we have a short memory, or what?


I agree with you 100%. To listen to these liberals, you'd think we attacked the terrorists. We're in the AGE OF WHINERS AND WIMPS. :mad:
Anyone remember a "little diddy" from 1987 by S.O.D. called "F*#K the Middle East"??? It goes something like this:

F*#k the middle east,
There's too many problems.
They just get in the way,
We could sure live without them.
They hijack our planes,
They raise our oil prices,
We'll kill'em all and have a ball and end their f*#kin' crisis.
BEIRUT, LEBANON--Won't exist once we're done.
LIBYA, IRAN--We'll flush the bastards down the can.
SYRIANS and SHIITES--Crush their faces with our might.
Then Israel and Egypt can live in peace without these ****s.

Sorry, just had to write in.:D
not enough kurds to get the job'd be great if a country like australia, south africa, or ireland hated the middle east