Iraq invasion gets clearer everyday

Yes and the reason is "Middle East Peace".

When did selling Oil become Evil?

Sure Al Gore thought it was but he's a whack job of the highest order.
Originally posted by UNGN
When did selling Oil become Evil?

Probably once the very same tree-hugging nimrods had enough people convinced that guns were evil, they moved to a new target - oil!:confused:

Yes and the reason is "Middle East Peace".

Middle east thats an oxymoron..Small minds are so easily swayed by rhetoric..
Hey We4ster, waht are you talking about? What is your point?
Please, don't take this defensively - I really am asking for a clarification of your opinion, here.

Its called cool
I like to throw it back in the far rights face..
Originally posted by UNGN

When did selling Oil become Evil?

I'm surprised at you. Not just selling oil, but selling oil to Israel..........reason for Iraq War. :rolleyes: And I always thought you were so perceptive. ;)
Man,............. it would have been so much easier to just invade Canada for their oil.With a good percentage of French living there on constant "surrender standby", we'd a had that that place pumpin' oil within a months time.....................Come to think of it, I'm not so sure those are hockey rinks everywhere up there... Maybe they're WMD makin' facilities, eh????;)

Just a thought.....:D
Man,............. it would have been so much easier to just invade Canada for their oil.

Now you realise you already tried once, and we beat you down.:)

....although Cananda @ that point was a bunch of Indians and drunk Frenchmen....

Some things never change :eek:

PS. Canada has all the oil we need, and then some. :D

We should annex Mexico...Just think of all the oil, and drugs for the potheads we could get. Wouldnt be much of a fight, they all live here anyway.
Yes, I can recognize sarcasm.
I asked you once, in a serious light, to clarify your point and you chose to not answer. So I left it alone, but you continue to post with no clear (to me) point.
I am left wondering just what your point is!
I was a political appointee at the Dept. of Justice for four years, so I am extremely familiar with politics.
There are two articles referenced in the original post, but I am guessing you are trying to say the United States acted unilaterally when Iraq was invaded.
Is that your point?
Again, I am not being critical of you.
I believe our political system is corrupt and anything is possible.
I believe we invaded Iraq without due cause..
Read the "why bush should be impeached" thread if you want to know more..
Originally posted by We4ster
I believe our political system is corrupt and anything is possible.
I believe we invaded Iraq without due cause..
Read the "why bush should be impeached" thread if you want to know more..

do black helicopters fly over your house at night??? men in black suits and sunglasses....

US troops are to turn the city over to local Iraqis, says a top commander, but this is denied by the Pentagon.

From BBC news. Laughable. Every AM I wake up to more dead American kids, and no progress......Nice! Its funny, well not really funny, how the worse the situation over there gets, the more the GWB supporters tow the line.

Baaa Baaa Baaa:rolleyes:

"It's not a matter of whether I or anyone else in the city supports the 'resistance' to the Americans.I don't support them, but the way the Americans have dealt with and are dealing with this city makes me hate every American here, more and more."

Things are going swimmingly!
Your name suits you Fool. Maybe you should see how many people die everyday in Detroit or DC. If you can't see anything positive in what is going on, then you obviously have closed eyes and you believe everything you are fed by the agenda driven mass media of the country.