Is the Barret Jackson era over? I hope so!


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2004
Well I've noticed that in the past couple years, I havent heard "My car is a show car" or "Numbers Matching" yadda yadda yadda. Sorry to all of the guys that are into "show cars" and I really dont mean any negativity to you personally. I just get really tired of hearing about how many trohies everyone has and how many shows they are going to hit up. If anyone wants some car show trophies, your welcome to come clear out my basement for me!:biggrin:

I think the economy is making true Hot Rodding come back. More people seem to be interested in building cars on a budget and with the parts they have available to them rather than buying NOS and such. I think thats great, it seems to me that more and more "Custom" cars are out there and seems like there are more REALLY FAST cars popping up. i think thats great!

I have to say that I did watch Barret Jackson when it was popular but I wanted to shoot some of those dumb rich idiots that just threw their money out there when they coould have had the same thing off EBAY for 1/2 the price. Then everybody got all caught up in having numbers matching factory overspray, chalk markings etc. I built a few TR's to be as perfect to original as I could because it was a sign of the times, an era. BUT, I like what I'm doing now, more and more people are coming to me to work on their cars to make them FAST instead of NICE!

It really seems like things are a lot more fun with this bum economy, even though Im broke and have only worked two months this year! But, I guess it's more fun now because I get to play with the cars more often.
I think the BJ shows are more about art then performance. I don't think many buy cars there for the sole purpose of performance. Personally, if it can't perform as good as it looks it bores me a little. That's just me tho.

Although, I do have an appreciation for numbers matching cars but would rather spend $150k building the baddest TR on the planet. If I had money to burn I would certainly make a purchase or two at BJ or Mecum.
Although, I do have an appreciation for numbers matching cars but would rather spend $150k building the baddest TR on the planet. .

Please don't tell me that is what you have into the baddest TR built but never seen????:biggrin::biggrin:
I second that...the only thing that those auctions are good for is making money. Let's see one of those guys purchase one of those 120k Camaros and go do donuts in the parking lot....not gonna happen...trailer queens.
I second that...the only thing that those auctions are good for is making money. Let's see one of those guys purchase one of those 120k Camaros and go do donuts in the parking lot....not gonna happen...trailer queens.

That would be the only way Barrett Jackson could make a come back.........Donuts required after purchase!!!!!:biggrin:
It really seems like things are a lot more fun with this bum economy, even though Im broke and have only worked two months this year! But, I guess it's more fun now because I get to play with the cars more often.

Your right! Low buck fun cars seem to be making a comeback. Under 5k can buy you some real decent fun today.

I was nuts to spend 12k buying a GN 9 years ago.

Of all the cars I owned I always loved the WHORES I owned. (v-8 vega, 69 impala wagon, 68 GTO.)
They were fun to drive, could care less where I parked them & they all were less than $1200- to buy.

As for the nice cars I had..... I hated them. Worried about them all the time.
I will never go the route of NICE car again. EVER!