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"It was One of Those Days" series to resume soon


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Here - watch THIS!
May 24, 2001
I've been busy beyond belief for the last 4-5 months. I took a job promotion in a different city, sold our home in Wapakoneta, bought a new home near Toledo, started the new job and began furiously training for this new position - all at the same time.


I apologize for the lengthy delay since the last installment of this series but I simply have not had the time or energy to post - until now.


So... more installments are coming soon! Hang in there!

Heck now I'm gonna have to reread all the old threads so I can remember what was goin on. Can't wait for the ending!!!!:cool:
Welcome back, Raven. Congrat's on promo.

And now back to our regularly scheduled program........:D
woo hoo, the neverending story is on again, welcome back Raven!
The curiosity is still killing me. I've gone through 4 cats already waiting. lol:wink: :biggrin:
Now I gotta go find that thread. dang
Since i am poor:( I was hoping to use this story as my own Christmas present. I guess there is no such thing as Santa?:frown: Maybe this will be a start to a great New Year!!!!!!!!!!:) Ravan keep up the good work and best wishes to you and your family!!!!:biggrin: :smile: :cool:
Since i am poor:( I was hoping to use this story as my own Christmas present. I guess there is no such thing as Santa?:frown: Maybe this will be a start to a great New Year!!!!!!!!!!:) Ravan keep up the good work and best wishes to you and your family!!!!:biggrin: :smile: :cool:

Santa knows if you've been naughty or nice!

It's closer than you think... :cool:
ok you going to post or not lol we have been waiting man! Daniel Ray
I'm back on graves for a couple of weeks :rolleyes: Good time for reading tho :biggrin:
I dunno...I searched for the parts of the series and read a few. It's dang good writing. I'll be going back to read the rest.

I like to write also and I can appreciate the amount of time Raven puts into his works.

It's not as simple as writing what's in your head the first time. You end up re-writing segments over and over.

Some of my best ideas come to me when I wake up in the middle of the night. I have to write them down immediately cuz if I wait until morning, the complete thought is no longer there.

Good stuff.
I hope ol' Raven finds a way to continue.

I dunno...I searched for the parts of the series and read a few. It's dang good writing. I'll be going back to read the rest.

I like to write also and I can appreciate the amount of time Raven puts into his works.

It's not as simple as writing what's in your head the first time. You end up re-writing segments over and over.

Some of my best ideas come to me when I wake up in the middle of the night. I have to write them down immediately cuz if I wait until morning, the complete thought is no longer there.

Good stuff.
I hope ol' Raven finds a way to continue.


Thanks Tim. I'm in the process of finishing the segments tonight actually. One or two will be posted late Wednesday.
