jacksonville area mechanics


New Member
Jun 21, 2002
i have an 84 t type that needs piston rings but i cannot do it myself. is there anyone out there who would be willing to do it for me?
19yearboost are you or any of the North Fl guys coming to the Bradenton event ? I have not heard much from the Jacksonvill club.

Jesse :confused:
Jesse: I know some of us will be there. Not sure how many though. Kendall, myself and Mudflap502 for sure. Anybody else from NE Fl going? Can't wait to see if that track hooks like I've heard.

We talked about your car before..give me a call if you want and I'll try to give you some ideas. I think we've already given you the names of the couple of local guys who work on these cars for $ (Johnny Ray, Chip Parman).


I've talked to a bunch of people and asked them to come; I am not sure who will show up. The two or three people I was hoping would come and race TSM are either down or have other commitments.