L. A. Memorial Day Invasion sponsored by LT1Tech:

Well, it looks like my car is going to be fixed in the next 2-3 weeks so count me in because im tired of missing these things....

jeff whos finishing your car? its about time that were gonna see that beauty on the street again.
We got anymore V6's coming to embarrass the V8's?

If your coming please get signed up and paid up as it is a prepaid/preregistered event.

only 5 weeks or so to go.
Rafael, what happened thought you were signing up?

Less than 4 weeks to go now. Remember this is a preregistered event and I am trying to make some final preparations, so I need everyone to register and get PIAD ASAP please.

Also i have some Vipers coming for you to play with! (and they are fast, not stock)
Mustangs to follow.

Thanks guys,
Can use Paypal right from the website.
What are we talking about? I absolutely do not want little 4 banger rice with trash can mufflers. But the closer it gets the more I might consider Supras and 350Z's
You drag race that thing?

Ummmm, come May 15th if there is still unpaid racing slots at that point Money talks.
hey strocker396 are you coming out on sunday 5-4-08 to the Long Beach to Dana Point run???

I asked for help I am not good with computers and I don't have pay pal,,so can some one HELP me? sighn up.
this is one rice rocket that will have you drolling and if you race it youll be left with your tail tucked between your legs

Still a rice rocket, dont forget that, Looks like pretty boy is on his own again as usual, dont worry we'll invite you to the next event when we have one and if you can drive it on the streets or down PCH about 120 miles round trip then your welcome to join us..:tongue:
You all talk a good smack down but where's the cars? Bring that machinery out! Don't baby that hardware. :wink:
Still a rice rocket, dont forget that, Looks like pretty boy is on his own again as usual, dont worry we'll invite you to the next event when we have one and if you can drive it on the streets or down PCH about 120 miles round trip then your welcome to join us..:tongue:

The original "rice loving" hypocratic post can still be found here - http://www.turbobuick.com/forums/turbo-lounge/89668-how-about-supra-motor-gn.html?highlight=supra

Btw, If I wanted to join you where would I find you? I'm not into your "alternative" lifestyle so we'll have to meet up somewhere other than the gay bars you frequent.
The original "rice loving" hypocratic post can still be found here - http://www.turbobuick.com/forums/turbo-lounge/89668-how-about-supra-motor-gn.html?highlight=supra

Btw, If I wanted to join you where would I find you? I'm not into your "alternative" lifestyle so we'll have to meet up somewhere other than the gay bars you frequent.

Wow!!! that comeback was weak, pull a thread that is 7 yrs old I'm sorry dude but is just too funny LOL, shows how much you still love me :tongue: , finding me its easy just look over your shoulder and you will see me standing there as I did at the dyno day in apple valley, if you have something to say, say it to me then, don't come here and act like an Internet tough guy???, as far as all your replies I am beginning to see a trend that each one has some sort of gay tone to it, if you want to say something just come out and say it, we will accept you for what you are gay, bi or straight you still OK in my book and i don't discriminate either way., I know you replied to my other post saying something about my pipe and how big it was, if you want to find out, maybe you can hold it with your lips I am sure that will make you very happy..:D
OK then enogh gay talk for today.

Thank's for helping me sigh up for the race and dyno K dog.

I'm sighed up ready to run my limited,,,NEAL are you coming out???
Wow!!! that comeback was weak, pull a thread that is 7 yrs old I'm sorry dude but is just too funny LOL, shows how much you still love me :tongue: , finding me its easy just look over your shoulder and you will see me standing there as I did at the dyno day in apple valley, if you have something to say, say it to me then, don't come here and act like an Internet tough guy???, as far as all your replies I am beginning to see a trend that each one has some sort of gay tone to it, if you want to say something just come out and say it, we will accept you for what you are gay, bi or straight you still OK in my book and i don't discriminate either way., I know you replied to my other post saying something about my pipe and how big it was, if you want to find out, maybe you can hold it with your lips I am sure that will make you very happy..:D

enough of the gay talk rooster lets let the cars do the talking:cool: but it wouldnt be fare since his truck is so small and light:frown: