Large Powdercoating Facility for sale..


Yo Baby Daddy
Oct 1, 2007
I have officially stopped all production at this facility, It will be on the market for sale. Unless one of you happen to have a few million parts per yr. that you would like to commit to.....:biggrin: (stranger things have happened)
Tired of getting beat up by the Chinese. Seems my employees will not work for two fish heads and a cardboard box, My best guess for manufacturing to stabilize is 2 yrs. and it will never again be at the level it once was. If you have any interest please contact me.
I will be easy to find ,I be the one living in his GN....J/J
Ronnie, you know how I feel about this.:mad:

Come on guys, there has to be someone out there that has some connections.

Ronnie does quality work and needs more of it. If anyone can provide some of it then let him speak now so we can keep more jobs here.:cool:
2 yrs ago you and I talked about all them little legs collapsing around when the economy and the big 3 took a dive, sorry to hear about this... not what i wanted to wake up and read first thing in the morning
Sorry to hear this Ronnie. Are you planning a smaller scale or getting out all together
You posted this at 11 PM last night.... I hope you were drinking and your J/J meant J/J........ I pray this isn't right man...
No J/J Ty I have shut down the big line 100% and get it cleaned up and on the market. I am going to finish all the small customer work that is in house. I will continue to play/ experiment with small parts after a little break.
I'm REALLY sorry to see this happen. I'm over here looking at all the parts that GNX 405 just got back from you. You do some really classy work!!!!! It's going to be really bad loosing your services.
I was shooked the other day when you told me, BUT it's hard to keep a good man down. good luck on your next venture. i know things will get right for you..and thank you for the GREAT powdercoating you did for me,,,
Ugh, this news has me depressed. I wish things for Ronnie were different. I know firsthand that Ronnie does excellent work and I look forward to working with him on future projects. It won't be in the millions of parts though :p. Sorry, I've got parts, but not that many parts.

Having to make these tough business decisions in a poor economy is unfortunate.
I am also very sorry to hear this. Your powdercoating is top notch. I hope you keep enough equipment to continue doing small parts for the Buicks.
Man that sux wish I knew some one that needed parts coated in that volume to help you out.
man that sucks but I know the feeling, closed my paint shop up about 6 months ago now. Just not enough work to keep it running to the point of it being worth it. Good luck man Daniel
Thanks guys, yes it sucks but life goes on. Already have some potential buyers sniffing around. Who knows.:confused:

Ty, you still have that Ph# for the truck driver training institute...?:D
Thanks guys, yes it sucks but life goes on. Already have some potential buyers sniffing around. Who knows.:confused:

Ty, you still have that Ph# for the truck driver training institute...?:D

No I lost that one, but I do have the Pig Neutering Institue's # and they are taking applications:biggrin: