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Let's all just lose our minds........


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I work for a construction company that specializes in public school district additions, renovation, alteration, and restoration. We began providing disinfection services on day one. But that was quickly abandoned in exchange for full closures. Exterior work continued for a little. Now there is a full shut down. People at our main office are sick. Including the owners. Company is shut down.

I began a personal project with my own saved money. No loans. It can't be left undone. Others will be affected. They will hold me responsible. Money set aside for this project must now be used to survive. So on and so on.
Fair enough but just encouraging you to think outside the box and go with the flow.. As a fellow Slayer fan I get the feeling we're similar in old school thinking but now is the time to do buisness as business is being done, at least ask the questions instead of playing out seasons in the abyss in your mind.
try me !!!

Are you and Ray bidding fiat dollars to my gold?
It looks like it's gonna be an ugly month with many deaths, I'll be the first to say I was wrong in believing this was a manufactured news story / overblown. Gonna try to take the distancing thing a little more serious, tough to do though when the work day is spent on a scissor lift with a co-worker running pipe, they tell us we're essential lol. Hope u all stay safe.

I still think its being blown way out of proportion for what it is, another serious flu bug that you take the same precautions for. The flu has always hit old people harder and those with health issues. Now the Fauci head doctor said the fatality rate is less than 1%. 3 months and still less than 1 million cases worldwide. Not that it isn't a tragedy for someone losing their life or that of a loved one. If I'm wrong I'll be the first to say I was. If its so serious and so many lives depend on what's done why are the demonrats adding billions in pork to the virus bill. Guess its not as serious as their agenda.

I have been mostly quiet about this crisis since it has begun. I know we are all in this together. But things are not going well for me. I'm predicting a particularly nasty financial and legal struggle for me. Every minute I'm playing it all out in my head and all roads are leading to my complete financial destruction. I don't see the possibility of the remaining portion of my professional life being long enough to ever recover.

But again, I guess we are all in this together.

That's a raw deal for sure. Is all this worth destroying the economy over right from the start and this is what the Trump haters have even stated. That pos bill maher said he'd love for the economy to collapse if it destroyed Trump and he has lots of libtard supporters who agree. You have millions in the same boat with you. We'll all keep you in our prayers and hope only the best for you and family.
I live in New Rochelle. By now I'm sure you heard of it. Ground Zero.

Even so, I'm not particularly afraid of getting sick. Even though it certainly can kill me. But I knew from day one it would probably destroy my life either way.

This is what I don't understand, the cuomo says that 80%+ of new yorkers are going to get it so why shut everything down if that's true or is he just talking out of his ass trying to get the rest of the country to bail the state out since it was-is a financial wreck. Honestly, I'd listen to my professor at the Institute of Advance Conservative Studies than just about any of these media loving hogs with an agenda. The msm lies about everything so why not lie about this. Doom and gloom sells.
Yes we are, I'm set to close on a house in may and really don't know wtf is gonna happen. Wanna feel a little better about yourself? A week ago Friday I moved all my 401k $ into money market, AFTER it's worst week in decades in fear it was only the beginning. That means last weak I missed out on the best week since the 1930's. But like u said we're in it together and staying healthy is becoming the priority screw the dow

I think you made a wise move getting out of the market. If there is even a safe place to put money anymore. The market has been a ponzi scheme for years now and has nothing to do with Main St. It is and was in a massive FED made bubble just waiting for something to prick it. If it wasn't the virus it would of been something else. I still believe it could have a bump for a short time but won't last long. Remember the market made a recovery after the 1929 crash and than took a huge crash in what, 31-32. Congrats on a smart move.
Have been reading about health ins. Company’s today.Anthem,Humana,CVS,and Cigna have announced they will pay 100% of all cost due to Covid-19. Tests drugs hospital stay everything. Where the hell is Blue Cross, UnitedHealth & others. Hiding under a f’ing rock.
Have been reading about health ins. Company’s today.Anthem,Humana,CVS,and Cigna have announced they will pay 100% of all cost due to Covid-19. Tests drugs hospital stay everything. Where the hell is Blue Cross, UnitedHealth & others. Hiding under a f’ing rock.
Taking our premiums and not looking out for us. I pay 1100 a month for insurance and it doesn’t cover dental and vision. I still pay a pretty steep co pay. Insurance is the biggest scam in history. How they can deny claims but take your premiums.
I live close to N.Y. Twin Turbo in Rockland County N.Y. I am a Union Carpenter in NYC and we were deemed essential me and my Coworker picked up the Virus last Thursday because the General Contractors we’re hiding the fact that people were testing positive.My Boss pulled the plug on all of our Jobs Thursday evening then Cuomo did it for him on Friday.I myself am worried how long it’s going to take my line of work to recover and the fact that I lost 100k in my retirement money as well.I am retiring in 5 years may have too work longer with the slowdown that’s going to happen in Construction.I have a Daughter going to College in 1 1/2 years that’s worrisome as well.
Taking our premiums and not looking out for us. I pay 1100 a month for insurance and it doesn’t cover dental and vision. I still pay a pretty steep co pay. Insurance is the biggest scam in history. How they can deny claims but take your premiums.
I know the pain with health ins. companies, they ass rape every one. Had my heart transplant in late February. Had a 200k copay. Try that on.
Has everyone not noticed, the wall climbing folks have headed south.

Not so sure about that, as the border here in AZ is as busy as ever with jumpers........ It's just on the back burner right now, much to Nancy Pelosi's delight. :cautious:

However, my company did it's first round of 3 month furloughs today, I had to let 2 of my 38 guys go and it was very hard on me. Really hard. The only solace I could take was I wasn't one of the people in the company in harder hit areas who had to let 50% or more of their staff go.

This shit sucks, but we still can't lose our minds over it. We need to unite and be strong for one and all. God bless the front liners in all of this, putting the whole ahead of themselves.

What a difference a couple of weeks can make, huh?

Let's all keep talking, for our sanity.
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Not so sure about that, as the border here in AZ is as busy as ever with jumpers........ It's just on the back burner right now, much to Nancy Pelosi's delight. :cautious:

However, my company did it's first round of 3 month furloughs today, I had to let 2 of my 38 guys go and it was very hard on me. Really hard. The only solace I could take was I wasn't one of the people in the company in harder hit areas who had to let 50% or more of their staff go.

This shit sucks, but we still can't lose our minds over it. We need to unite and be strong for one and all. God bless the front liners in all of this, putting the whole ahead of themselves.

What a difference a couple of weeks can make, huh?

Let's all keep talking, for our sanity.
Damn sorry that is happening where you work. Very hard letting people go
, no paycheck, no health ins. Yes it sucks. Wish you and your people the best, take care. Your title to this thread really hits home.
Damn sorry that is happening where you work. Very hard letting people go
, no paycheck, no health ins. Yes it sucks. Wish you and your people the best, take care. Your title to this thread really hits home.

Same to you, sir.

Anybody have any suggestions as to what we, as the Turbo Buick community, can do for (not to be selfish, but...) our own, and then others? I've seen us come together so many times when a brother is truly in need.

I'd love to help.....somehow.

Hey Rafs, please feel free to chime in here, I welcome your suggestions, really. We may disagree politically, but we aren't on opposite sides in this fight.
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Taking our premiums and not looking out for us. I pay 1100 a month for insurance and it doesn’t cover dental and vision. I still pay a pretty steep co pay. Insurance is the biggest scam in history. How they can deny claims but take your premiums.

I don't understand how people are paying these premiums and still make ends meet. Haven't had insurance since 2012 when shithead got his future demonrat voter bill passed. Had a perfect policy for myself, medical and prescription for a super good cost (no deductible, $20 co-pay and $5 scripts) and bcbs cancelled it because it didn't meet his royal highn-ass' specs. Offered a worthless bronze plan for $600+, $6,000 deductible and everything had a co-pay. But I'd be covered if I got pregnant. Meanwhile the illegals and criminals get the best money can buy. No $200k co-pay for one of them.
Same to you, sir.

Anybody have any suggestions as to what we, as the Turbo Buick community, can do for (not to be selfish, but...) our own, and then others? I've seen us come together so many times when a brother is truly in need.

I'd love to help.....somehow.

Hey Rafs, please feel free to chime in here, I welcome your suggestions, really. We may disagree politically, but we aren't on opposite sides in this fight.

IIrc the new virus bill makes UE available immediately and doesn't it also offer payments at the rate of pay you were getting through employer reimbursed payments? Also thought there was something about medical too. Might even be prudent for some to plead bankruptcy and let "their" , tptb, system take the hit. After all they've been stealing taxpayer money since 1913.
Same to you, sir.

Anybody have any suggestions as to what we, as the Turbo Buick community, can do for (not to be selfish, but...) our own, and then others? I've seen us come together so many times when a brother is truly in need.

I'd love to help.....somehow.

Hey Rafs, please feel free to chime in here, I welcome your suggestions, really. We may disagree politically, but we aren't on opposite sides in this fight.
The reality is one day at a time, in a way that sucks too. My wife tells me to be thankful for every day you get. Spent the last year not knowing how much longer I had. W/O the transplant it was down to any day I would be going on the Journey. If my family didn’t have money, if the next person on the list the operation Had been much younger then me it wouldn’t have happen that Day. None of us will ever know what our future will be, so the end of this story is one day at a time. That’s is as far as whatever wisdom I have. Stay safe,hope for the best.
IIrc the new virus bill makes UE available immediately and doesn't it also offer payments at the rate of pay you were getting through employer reimbursed payments? Also thought there was something about medical too. Might even be prudent for some to plead bankruptcy and let "their" , tptb, system take the hit. After all they've been stealing taxpayer money since 1913.

Sure, UE insurance is available now, provided you can/will jump through all the hoops. Do you REALLY think they are going to make it easy? This will be a lesson in futility for many first timers, who will likely give up, an exacerbating exorcise for many, many more legit applicants, and a fucking breeze/big time raise for the long term/lifetime turds already in the punchbowl/system.
Sure, UE insurance is available now, provided you can/will jump through all the hoops. Do you REALLY think they are going to make it easy? This will be a lesson in futility for many first timers, who will likely give up, an exacerbating exorcise for many, many more legit applicants, and a fucking breeze for the long term turds already in the system.

Years ago I collected it for a short period of time and it was easy as can be. Everything was done on the phone and they sent the payment to a debit card they issued you. Weekly check in was by phone to report for next payment and never saw or spoke to anyone, although I'm sure after a while they'd request your charming self to make an appearance. And that's the f'n state of new york too. Problem now is the system is getting flooded. Bet most would rather take their chance working.
I remember applying for UE insurance back in 1980. What a shit show. The guy at the counter was blind, thank you equal employment. HE WAS FUCKING BLIND, and he had a government employee attitude, perhaps I was encroaching on his break time?

I had to tell him what buttons to push on his keyboard and then confirm the info was right. He denied my application. I got into another line, tried again and guess what? got my $126 (the max in AZ at the time) a week! Woo fucking Hoo!

I'm sure it's different now, since being unemployed during the Obama years became "all the rage".
I remember applying for UE insurance back in 1980. What a shit show. The guy at the counter was blind, thank you equal employment. HE WAS FUCKING BLIND, and he had a government employee attitude, perhaps I was encroaching on his break time?

I had to tell him what buttons to push on his keyboard and then confirm the info was right. He denied my application. I got into another line, tried again and guess what? got my $126 (the max in AZ at the time) a week! Woo fucking Hoo!

I'm sure it's different now, since being unemployed during the Obama years became "all the rage".

Remember that turd saying how great it would be to be unemployed, being able to spend more time with the fam. Doing more of your hobbies, enjoying the weather. Only from a demonrat would something like that come. He just forgot to say where all the money was going to come from to carry on like that.