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Let's all just lose our minds........


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As of this morning 900,000 worldwide have been infected and forget the death number but that's out of 7.5 billion. They have a cure now with the malaria drug so that's what they should be pumping out in quantity and get people back to work. This isn't going to be a recession but already a worst depression. 35% drop in gdp and around a 42% unemployment rate almost a certainty. How many times deaths over the virus will this cause. The demonrats want this to continue as long as possible thinking it will hurt Trump.
By the way, if you get stopped y'all tell them to call me! :cool:
its not a cure .IIRC...but it does speed the healing process..the French came up with it ..I believe
Guy, See your PCP for a Chest X-Ray & blood test to determine if there is either a viral or bacterial infection.
its not a cure .IIRC...but it does speed the healing process..the French came up with it ..I believe

There's the malaria drug and 2 others with names I won't even attempt to say let along write. Yeah, they took 80 people and 1 died that was pretty bad off to begin with, 1 with whatever result and 78 cured. I still think the chinks may very well have a cure but the CCP is sitting on it, probably trying to figure out how to make the most money from it.
C’mon guys,there is not going to be a vaccine by the end of the summer. Maybe next spring after they have kill a number of folks in the trials. you didn’t know about that huh. The fastest vaccines are developed over sea’s , hey they have the monkeys over there. ( people ) that there family gets paid extra if they die. Lots don’t know about the BS that goes on.The malaria drug is not crack up to what people are saying per my wife. Well she knows don’t ask me how. My sister in law at Duke said the same thing. So did my daughter at MSCU. This shit is going to be here for a good while. Do the best you can, just stay away from people. Like Guy said this is no longer a political thing, no longer about the R’s or the D’s, this is about everyone coming together to beat this disease . Helping each other however you can.
Hey , just watch a video of New York using folks lifts putting dead body’s in trucks, gosh how bad are things going to be
Hey Ray, Bob S here. Took my grand national out for some fun after discovering you got a new news I will ever hear. All the guys at rcg are pulling for you. Get well soon so we can do lunch together.
Hey Ray, Bob S here. Took my grand national out for some fun after discovering you got a new news I will ever hear. All the guys at rcg are pulling for you. Get well soon so we can do lunch together.
C’mon guys,there is not going to be a vaccine by the end of the summer. Maybe next spring after they have kill a number of folks in the trials. you didn’t know about that huh. The fastest vaccines are developed over sea’s , hey they have the monkeys over there. ( people ) that there family gets paid extra if they die. Lots don’t know about the BS that goes on.The malaria drug is not crack up to what people are saying per my wife. Well she knows don’t ask me how. My sister in law at Duke said the same thing. So did my daughter at MSCU. This shit is going to be here for a good while. Do the best you can, just stay away from people. Like Guy said this is no longer a political thing, no longer about the R’s or the D’s, this is about everyone coming together to beat this disease . Helping each other however you can.
Ray is right. Stop the bullshit. You guys are in this whether you deny it or not. We all are. NYC isn't a shit hole. If you think so, then you haven't been here since the Dinkins administration. We all cherish our homes and memories of where we are the most comfortable. But there is no CITY ON EARTH that even compares on almost any level. Don't make me lay out facts, don't challenge me, I don't feel like being argumentative. You forget this city was built on back breaking capitalism? This area determines the financial strength of the entire nation. Forget the politics for a minute.

Even if it's just us who go through this, you all will still lose. But it's not going to be just us. It's all of us. So every one of you, get ready. Because someone you know will get sick, and then someone you know will die. Just pray it's not you or your mother or someone you love. But I hate to say this........It probably will be.

And one more thing, I don't agree with Cuomo's politics. But thank God he's a good leader. Because if we had one of those mid western fucking clown governors running this state, you would all be sick by now.
Ray is right. Stop the bullshit. You guys are in this whether you deny it or not. We all are. NYC isn't a shit hole. If you think so, then you haven't been here since the Dinkins administration. We all cherish our homes and memories of where we are the most comfortable. But there is no CITY ON EARTH that even compares on almost any level. Don't make me lay out facts, don't challenge me, I don't feel like being argumentative. You forget this city was built on back breaking capitalism? This area determines the financial strength of the entire nation. Forget the politics for a minute.

Even if it's just us who go through this, you all will still lose. But it's not going to be just us. It's all of us. So every one of you, get ready. Because someone you know will get sick, and then someone you know will die. Just pray it's not you or your mother or someone you love. But I hate to say this........It probably will be.

And one more thing, I don't agree with Cuomo's politics. But thank God he's a good leader. Because if we had one of those mid western fucking clown governors running this state, you would all be sick by now.
I just read my post again. If this seemed aggressive, please don't think I'm attacking anyone. And I don't want to seem like some doomsday predictionist. As many others, just feeling a little tense right now.
Hey , just watch a video of New York using folks lifts putting dead body’s in trucks, gosh how bad are things going to be

Millions will die from starvation when we go into a world wide depression. The cure will be far worse than the disease.
I just read my post again. If this seemed aggressive, please don't think I'm attacking anyone. And I don't want to seem like some doomsday predictionist. As many others, just feeling a little tense right now.
You are absolutely right. I think people are starting to realize how serious this is.
Stay safe over there and keep posting letting us know how your doing
Ray is right. Stop the bullshit. You guys are in this whether you deny it or not. We all are. NYC isn't a shit hole. If you think so, then you haven't been here since the Dinkins administration. We all cherish our homes and memories of where we are the most comfortable. But there is no CITY ON EARTH that even compares on almost any level. Don't make me lay out facts, don't challenge me, I don't feel like being argumentative. You forget this city was built on back breaking capitalism? This area determines the financial strength of the entire nation. Forget the politics for a minute.

Even if it's just us who go through this, you all will still lose. But it's not going to be just us. It's all of us. So every one of you, get ready. Because someone you know will get sick, and then someone you know will die. Just pray it's not you or your mother or someone you love. But I hate to say this........It probably will be.

And one more thing, I don't agree with Cuomo's politics. But thank God he's a good leader. Because if we had one of those mid western fucking clown governors running this state, you would all be sick by now.

You are absolutely right that nyc was built on capitalism but for decades now has just been a giant socialist disaster like the rest of the communist run state. coumo is a pos dictator with delusions of being president. Pos already earlier said that state had 6 billion dollar deficit so double it for the real number and now hes helping to destroy it even more for his personal gain imho. He can't even get along with fredo and vice versa so he probably can't get along with most. I'd take a mid-west clown, a real clown any day over what's running the state for years.
How many here would love to move to our communist state because we have the bestest goobernor ever? Illegal aliens need not answer since we already know what they want.
Millions will die from starvation when we go into a world wide depression. The cure will be far worse than the disease.

150%. They're throwing out the baby with the bath water. Look at how quickly the sheeple have jumped to give up even more of their liberties that well over a million have died for to keep.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Benjamin Franklin. What a brilliant American.
For sure, already lots of reports coming in by employers of people who are not coming to work to collect the "free" money. Luckily employers are reporting them.
To put things into perspective for myself I googled flu death for 2017 and 2018. The results surprised me for sure. For the USA only I found 69,000 flu related deaths for 2017 and 80,000 for 2018......
Hey , just watch a video of New York using folks lifts putting dead body’s in trucks, gosh how bad are things going to be

Probably the same people that used the Italian video and reported it as a nyc hospital. There's a reason for that old saying of, "Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear" That's there is some good advice. :)