Let's go Red Wings!


New Member
May 24, 2001
Well, that's what I'd be saying tonight since they'd probably have a game if the NHLPA wasn't led by a nimrod.

AHL...here I come. Screw the greedy NHL players!

the Avalanche....hahahaha

the Wings would walk all over Joe Sack-lick and the rest of the "falling snowflakes"

Lidstrom for President :D

I read the title of this thread and assumed that the lock out had been called off. Now I am sad :(

I was gonna see the Wings make a meal out of the Boston Bruins on September 29th. That would have been great. Alas the greedy NHL screwed the fans.

Also, the Av's are washed up. You guys don't have a goalie anymore! Nothing can stop us! NOTHING!!!!!
...sack-lick....hehe...that's funny

Hey, my fiance' got us a pair of tickets for the lions/pack game this weekend. Her sister's Mother-in-law works for Lambeau/Packers and has first dibs on tickets.

ONLY $40 bucks for what normally sells for $120/piece. I'll go to any football game for that price. I have to say though, holy crap are tickets expensive versus NHL....seems like with all the football fans that NFL tickets would be much less expensive!

Oh well....I can't wait to see Brett Faav...rah...get hit.

...and sorry about making you mad :D
Originally posted by Shane
Also, the Av's are washed up. You guys don't have a goalie anymore! Nothing can stop us! NOTHING!!!!!

Which 50 year old goalie would the Dead Things have trotted out this year?

I also heard that Lindstrom and the boys are really upset because they won't get their endorsement money from Geritol.

Man, I really miss the Avs/Wings rivalry. :(
Originally posted by XLR8
Which 50 year old goalie would the Dead Things have trotted out this year?

I also heard that Lindstrom and the boys are really upset because they won't get their endorsement money from Geritol.

Man, I really miss the Avs/Wings rivalry. :(

I don't even have to argue with you because your a Avalanche fan, and EVERYONE knows that they suck. That's all I have to say to shut you down :D :cool: ;)
Originally posted by XLR8
Which 50 year old goalie would the Dead Things have trotted out this year?

I also heard that Lindstrom and the boys are really upset because they won't get their endorsement money from Geritol.

Man, I really miss the Avs/Wings rivalry. :(

Heck yeah....I'd love to see the days of "McCarty and the Claude". Nothing like seeing Av players get the utter living crap beat out of them. You could feel the tension back then at every game...now, it just feels like a "regular" hockey game.

Av fan or Wing fan...doesn't matter, when those 2 teams came together in the 90s, it was awesome to watch!!!

...but the Aves still suck....too many whiners (hint: Forsberg). :D:D

Oh...and Geritol endorsement must be good since Lidstrom is in the running for best defensemen year after year....not sure, but when is the last time Colorado had "consistency" at the blue line? Without "Wah", your defense is truly shining through now :D
Yeah, figured just by the time the heartbreak from the red sux ended I could get crushed by my mighty bruins. Oh well, at least the patsies are still rolling along (20 in a row!!!!!!!!)
Originally posted by Maltman
Heck yeah....I'd love to see the days of "McCarty and the Claude". Nothing like seeing Av players get the utter living crap beat out of them. You could feel the tension back then at every game...now, it just feels like a "regular" hockey game

Those really were the days. The words "Two Goalies, Center Ice" STILL bring chills to my spine. I think that should be the test, you can't call yourself a Wings fan if you don't know what I'm talking about.