Limits of unorthodox combo


Jun 22, 2001
Allright guys, I'm just about to get the GN back on the road. I kinda did things all backwards because of how prices presented themselves.

The car currently is almost completely stock with a powerstroke front mount, relocated TB, 84-85 ecm, upgraded fuel pump and hotwire. I have an 86-87 turbo on hand and should have a line on a propane injection kit. I have no problems boosting it. What's going to be the bottleneck in this combo? Injectors? What would be an acceptable time to shoot for?
if the stock 87 turbo is all you can afford go ahead and use it,but you're gonna outgrow it in a hurry.keep your eyes open for a used te44.

here's what i'd look at next:

-cold air induction
-87 ecm swap
-injectors,at least 40#'s,probably go straight for 50's.
-adjustable fpr?
-good chip(i recommend maxeffort or extender)

do all of this before you throw another variable like alky or propane'll have enough on your hands getting it tuned without a supplemental fuel:).once it's tuned right,then add new things,it'll make your life mucho easier.

Sorry, forgot to mention that I do have a scan tool, and should I go with a new ecm I do have chip burning capabilities. I have the turbo already so I'm going to give that a try.

The thing is I'm trying to convince myself I'm going to stop before I get into the pricey upgrades. (yeah right) So I want to see what this combo does. I think the injectors might be the current bottleneck what times are they supposed to support.