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looking for a combat/home defense shotgun


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Lone Wolf
May 24, 2001
Yeah yeah...I have bought two guns in the last two months but now I want a new shotgun. :-) Can you ever have too many?

I already have a Remington 870 with a 28" barrel and while it is great for shooting clays...I don't imagine using it in a tight area and I want more than 4 shells in the mag.

Sooooo.......rather than convert it over to a tactical by adding an 18" barrel, mag extender, collapsable stock..bla bla bla.....I just want another shotgun. That way..if my tactical one should break or otherwise cease to work I can fall back on the clay gun.

My brother has a Spas12 and while I LOVE that gun....they are very hard to come by and 1600 bucks when you do find a used one.

I think the Remington 870 HD (home defense) is a nice gun but I want to see/hear what some of you have and what you would recommend.

I don't want to go over 600 bucks if I can avoid it.

The Model 870™ Express® Tactical Grey is nice and is about 400 bones at my local shop.

12 gauge only please as that is what I will be buying. That way I only need to stockpile one particular size shell.


Man you know your guns! I would just say get a pump because everyone knows that sound even before the lights turn on ;)
It will be a pump, most are, so now I want to see/hear what other people have and if they like them. :-)
Hah...that is pretty cool :-)

I keep my .357 on the bedstand next to the alarm clock. I have dogs and I suspect they might step on or knock off the shotgun perched on the side of the bed when they play and jump on and off the bed.
I have the 870 express. Easy to handle/manuver. Nothing quite like the sound of racking a shell in the chamber to get a burglers attention.
Home Defense Gun

Last year I bought a used Mossberg 500 tactical...pistol grip stock and forearm. Very intimidating but alot of fun to shoot, friends love it.

If you go with the pistol grip, make sure you get a flash light/laser sight and a collapsable stock. These guns are not easy to aim from the hip while your shooting.:)
Mossberg and reliable:

Similar to what I have on my side of the bed.....mine is , shall I say, "modified":biggrin:
this is what i bought my mother for the house. its a great shotgun IMOP and its short which makes it nice for the house.

Mossberg 500 Cruiser

my 02

i own a spas 12, had it since mid 90's and only issue i've had with it is parts are a B to find since they are no longer made. only website i found is chrisspas12 or something to that effect. great gun 9 rounds in 2 seconds make it a heck of a gun. only other issue i would say is be careful of the safety switch by the trigger that swivels from safe to fire. i wanted it to go back to factory and had a gun smith put them back on after i found them. i didn't know that the switch was faulty and made the mistake of loading 00 buck into it, then thought about it and tried to unload it. so i got one in the chamber and about 8 behind it. so i make the smart decision of trying to unload it but couldn't. me and step son are face to face no finger on the trigger so i didn't want to have an accident. well since i was new to the switch i wanted to unload it and moved the switch to saftey from firing while holding it up. bad decision as it discharged, in the house in my bedroom with my wife on the bed and step son in front of me. i would have never thought this would happen since i've owned this gun along time but you learn something new ever day. the guns aren't cheap, i bought my gun for 375 back around 94ish and as of now have about 700 into it with spare parts and work done to it by my gunsmith. hurt my ego as my daily reminder is the patch in my ceiling and roof tar on my roof. i then went to the website i mentioned and it was on there about that switch. sucked big time as my wife hates the gun because of that but i cannot blame her. if you want to stay in a budget i'd say mossberg 500 as they are easy to find parts, upkeep, and very versitle. if you have more money to spend then 200 for a new mossberg then there is a wide choice of home defense guns but i'd suggest going with a pump as everyone knows the sound of someone racking it and it's enough to make anyone run. easy to shoot as spread patterns on any load other then slugs can cover a hallway or wider area depending on what your needing it for. good luck and there are way too many options for guns and way too many opinions on what to buy. good luck and if you go spas just remember what i said about the switch and get real familuar with it before you use it for home use.
Last year I bought a used Mossberg 500 tactical...pistol grip stock and forearm. Very intimidating but alot of fun to shoot, friends love it.

If you go with the pistol grip, make sure you get a flash light/laser sight and a collapsable stock. These guns are not easy to aim from the hip while your shooting.:)

Aim? You're kidding, right? You stick the shotgun down the hallway, and let the buckshot fly. You'll hit everything in that hallway.

Best and cheapest is the Mossberg 500, with a pistol grip and 18.5" barrel. I carried one on duty for years before moving to an AR-15 when we were finally authorized. I like the Mossberg because the safety is up on the top of the gun in a natural position for moving from 'safe' to 'fire' with one movement of the thumb, unlike my Remington 870 with the safety at the trigger guard. I bought the Mossberg at Wallyworld, or Kmart, can't remember which for $180 back in 94'ish. They're still pretty cheap.

I got a couple of interesting Saigas:biggrin: My buddy has a 30rd drum for it:eek: To heavy though. 12 rd clips are da chit;)

Go with the Mossberg 500 Road Blocker. Check it out on line.

The mossberg is a fine gun for the money, I have them in several configurations and can't complain about any of them...

Judging by your other investments and your initial post if you can buy the POLICE & TACTICAL version of the Remington with the better internals for that price BUY IT!!! Make sure it is the true version though as I thought cost was a little higher than that on that particular gun... The internals are stronger and worked a little for the police... I would be all over it, if it is the real deal...

Good luck and let us know!

what ever you get, load it up with slugs.

I use 00 buckshot,
my experience with a slug.... usually puts holes in walls, doors, etc, usually does NOT hit intended target.
00 buck is 8- .32 caliber rounds, usually DOES hit intended target.

just my experience.
I use 00 buckshot,
my experience with a slug.... usually puts holes in walls, doors, etc, usually does NOT hit intended target.
00 buck is 8- .32 caliber rounds, usually DOES hit intended target.

just my experience.

00 buck is the way to go I think as well:biggrin:
My friend had a 7 shot Remington and loved it .... then purchased an 8 shot Mossberg that had (2-4 rounds to fit in the stock) and likes it even more ... neither of us thought he would like it as much.

Not sure of the model number ( sorry ) ... but I plan on getting one SOON --- is listing a Charles Daly nickel plated pimp pump 5+1 on pg 24 of new catalog for $199. Should be avble 2 get that from yer local FFl for $250 tax and all.