Looking for "MINT" T-Type rims..........any thing out there?


May 13, 2004
Looking for a set of super mint #1 (new looking or close to it) set of rims off a very low-mile car. Willing to pay decent money for them.

I realize they're difficult or close to impossible to find in that condition (much harder than GN wheels) but thought I'd put it out there. Maybe someone has a connection...........you never know.

Thanks for any info..................
I have a set that meet that criteria. They were taken off a T-type at about 3k miles. Still can see the rainbow effect in the clearcoat. They belong to the 16k mile Ttype in my signature. I doubt I'd separate them, but PM or email me with an idea of what you want to pay and I'll mull it over.
Beautiful car, BTW

I saw that car at E-Town over the weekend. Your factory rims can't be that bad, can they? Isn't that a 7xxx mile car?

Perhaps there is a way to buy a used set and get them reconditioned. Just a thought.
I have a buddy who I think has a set of mint of rims that were on his car, they're the two tone grey and black rims.
troGNman, yeah that was my car

Yeah my wheels are pretty nice condition...................scale 1-10 I'd say they are 8.5.

90% of the clear is still there with only couple of scuff marks and wheel weight marks. A few years agao i had a set recondition and they really didn't come out looking factory new.

I'm just a little anal I guess, and I want a better set.