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Lost a dear family pet on 1st day 2016...........


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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
Unfortunately my dog passed away suddenly of congestive heart failure yesterday.11 yr old min pin.The last thing I thought we would start the new year like.
My girl was devastated, and my son puts on a better front then I.
Thinking that getting another to replace her would never happen. But I pulled the courage out from deep inside to ask my girl if she wants to get another, and to my surprise she said yes.
I'm happy to say we just got back from the local animal shelter and we adopted a 2 month old small female terrier mutt.
I just wanted to get the pain of losing our family friend to go away, as fast as it could. And to tell you what,It has helped quite a bit.MY son and girlfriend are off buying new bed,toys,and everything thay can right now.
I wanted to get a dog that had a couple years under his/her belt so we wouldn't have to go through the puppy stage, but after seeing the look in their eyes when we got to meet it one on one in the visiting room at the pound,I guess ill be going through the puppy business for quite some time now.
I'm not going to let this year take us down without a fight!
when pup gets home ill show some pics

Happy new years to all !!


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Sorry for your loss and I completely understand your grief. My wife and I have a 15 year old miniature poodle. It makes me sad to think about the day he crosses the rainbow bridge. I love him like a fact he doesn't know he's a dog!
Congrats on the new dog. I have heard that's the best way to overcome the loss of a pet.
Cheers! Craig
Feel u man, I'm gonna be crushed when that day comes..
Sorry to hear of you & your family's loss.
My last cat stayed with me for 20 or 21 years,
and I was brokenhearted to come home one
day from work and he was gone.
I now have brother & sister blue Russians that
I simply adore. God Bless all animals.
I was crushed when I had to put my black lab Buddy down at 14yrs old, I got him as a puppy when I was was horrible. And that was 10+yrs in an apartment has kept me from another dog but I still have his collar that stays in my car since he loved car rides... Now I have two cats that are more than I can handle and I love them to death but they still aren't a replacement for my Buddy...Mike. just hang through the "puppy growing pains" and you'll love him/her forever as you know...
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Rescue dogs rescue their new owners more than the owners rescue them.
Love dogs, got a little beagle that is totally indifferent to the whole world. Sorry for your pet loss. Hopefully your new one will make you laugh as much as the other did. Pets are easy, its the people i cant take.
Sorry for your loss....

Good to hear that the new pup has changed the mood !!!

We have a Chocolate Lab/ Pit Bull mix that we rescued as well as 2 cats that are rescues as well. I dont know what my wife will do when the dog dies :( He is a part of the family

Unfortunately we weren't able to bring her home right away, because they have to fix it on Monday .I will pick hTer up Tues.
So until then its the same thing over and over again, making sure the dog isn't under the covers when we sit down, The noises in background sound like paws on the floor, but it reminds you every time she isn't their.
I appreciate the replies.
Just looking forward to those habits and noises to truly be there .
thats awful! sorry to hear. this world need more dogs and less ppl.....