Lost the keys


Mar 10, 2004
Oh man is this embarassing. I know I should have gotten spares made before this happened but time passed and I never got the chance to get them.

I was wondering if anyone else got caught in this situation and how they resolved it. I called up my local GM dealer but was told they only hold the codes back to 1991. Is this true? And is there any other way to get a key made? I figured with the VATS I couldn't get a new cylinder and I didn't really want to have to pull the thing apart to get all new keys.

Thanks alot for any help!
bypass the vats and get a regular key made. Forgot specifically how to do it though. Do a search on www.thirdgen.org they might have it archived. It's in the pass. side kick panel I believe..

Call your GM dealer and ask if anyone in the area makes the key with the resistor in it around your area. Then call that place and some others and they can test for the resistance. GM made 20 different resistances for the keys. Once you find out the resistance any key maker can make the key you just get the key from GM with that resistance. I had the Chevy dealer by me make me another key about 6 months ago not long after I got my car since the guy only had one set.
Do a GOOGLE search on GM VATS....You'll see an article close to the top about the VATS and how to bypas it....:)
There's 15 different keys (resistors) used by GM. The dealers and have a electronic box they plug in to the car to emulate any of the 15 keys (one at a time) to test start the car to find the proper key value (or resistance). You can do this your self if you get the resistors necissary for all 15 keys and have a regular key cut to fit the ignition lock to test start the car. Study the wire diagram and you will find where you can unplug the wire to the ignition lock to plug in your resistors. The correct keys are listed on e-bay all the time for about $15 USD (you need to know the number to order) then you need to have it cut.
Awesome guys thank you so much for all the help! Jan i'm definetly going to check that out. I'm in no rush to start it since I never drive it anyway and when I do get it started up I'm going to be figuring out a fuel pressure drop problem.

Always somethin! lol :D