Loud pop during friday night drags?


Dec 12, 2007
Friday night I took the gn to the track. The car ran fine the first two passes, but on the third and fourth pass the car made a loud pop during the passes. The noise sounded exactly as if the intercooler hose plew off however, that was not the case. After the pop I could get back in the gas and the car finished the pass just fine. Still held boost and good mph. This has also happened a couple of times on the street but it is random and does not do it every time I get on it. If anyone has any ideas or this has happened to you I would appreciate any advice. Thanks
dont race on a low tank , fill it 1/2 to 3/4 full or you run the risk of running the pump dry and lean popping the engine

another possibility , does your chip have a limiter in it , running and hitting a chip limiter which cuts out fuel while your sprying meth will cause a pop and if your lucky and have good headgaskets and bolts studs the head gasket might still be intack
There is no rev limiter and I had about 14 gallons of fuel. The coilpack and module are about a year and half old so i hope they are not allready going bad but it does seam to be ignition related so maybe they are. When the pop occurs the boost pegs the 30 psi mark. That can't be good so I need to get this figured out before I hurt the engine.
sounds like a back fire into the intake, causing high intake pressure, hence you see the pressure of the explosion on the boost guage. maybe you are over fueling or have an injector spraying wierd.. just a thought.
My TPS sensor caused it. Checked out fine with key on/engine off, but under load it was dropping out and caused a loud backfire.
It could very well be the tps because I am having problems with it. It is a new senser and i noticed my idle was a little high so i checked the tps It was at .54 so I bumbed the throttle real quick and it dropped to .44 This has been happening at pretty much every stop light. So if its not reading right at idle who knows what its doing at wot. Thank for all the help and suggestions