machined 109 block


Mar 7, 2004
looking for a spare 109 block already machined .030 and either center steel caps or a girdle.

let me know price

need pics and who did the work.
I'll be picking up a 109 block this weekend PHANTASM that's already been worked. I believe it's .30 over & may have had more work done. I'll find out and let you know.
PHATASM I got the block, but it's an SG1. It's got a fresh .30 over bore, line bore, & 2 billet center main caps. Don't know if you wanted a 109 or one of these. Thanks and let me know.
phatasm i got the block, but it's an sg1. It's got a fresh .30 over bore, line bore, & 2 billet center main caps. Don't know if you wanted a 109 or one of these. Thanks and let me know.

sent u a pm

have any pics? Who did the machine work?

Price shipped to 55075?