MaftPro Plug

Boostin TA

New Member
Aug 27, 2005
After I got the bugs worked out on the install of my Maftpro on my TTA (thanks for the help TurboBob, TurboDave and guys) and took it on a short 5 mile drive all I can say is wow. I havent even started playing with boost or timing just using all factory settings to be safe to see how the car reacts, and now the car is nice and smooth all the way through the power bands. Before running the stock MAF it would max out and my fueling would be all out of wack over 3800 rpms but now using the MAF less program that problem has now been easily eliminated. Props to Full throttle and coming up with it. It is a pretty advanced self tuner for our obsoulte OBD1 cars. I would recommend it to anyone out there looking to get the most out of their cars.