
I may kill someone if I do:D I saw on the boob-tube two people killed people over this movie. Blame it on the movie:mad: What is this world coming too?
I DISAGREE!!!!!!!!! I absolutely loved the first Matrix movie and was looking forward to the sequel. I was GREATLY disappointed. The action and special effects(in parts) were awesome, but there was so much filler in it I gained 4 pounds by the time I left!!

****SPOILER ALERT- if you are planning on seeing it, don't read further***

What the hell was the damn jungle dance scene for?!? Is that what everybody does in the future, have a city wide orgy for entertainment? hmmmm...not such a bad idea actually
And I HATE HATE HATE HATE movies that force you to see a third movie to understand the second, as in Star Wars & Back to the Future. There was SO SO much empty dialogue in the movie also, that by the time something important was being said, you were already asleep. I wish I had waited on Blockbuster to get it.
I saw the movie and liked it but thoought that it wasn't as good as the first one not as dark and dismal. There is alot of filler in the movie and I think that the third one will be alot darker. But all in all it was pretty good and if you l;iked the first one go see the second one.
Originally posted by Intercooler
I may kill someone if I do:D I saw on the boob-tube two people killed people over this movie. Blame it on the movie:mad: What is this world coming too?

Really? I didn't hear about that...pretty messed up

There were a few scenes that stretched too long like the Zion dancing was a bit pointless but I thought the story got pretty deep..raised a ****load more questions than answers..
I completely agree about the dance scene. I even commented to my wife about it during the movie. I thought I understood most of the movie and I thought it was good, but the end was a little too fast for me. This is a good explanation of the movie taken from the net.


Neo IS human, ONLY human as the machines like to put it. Neo WAS given a program to restart the Matrix by one of the members of the crew that stayed behind in the Matrix for Morpheus awaiting a message from the Oracle, which was in fact the program. The Oracle had said program because she was a program created to investigate the human psyche and conscious, given her insight into human nature unlike any other machine. This is how she devised the current working version of the Matrix, also creating the anomaly as the machines put it, The One as humans put it--Neo. So Neo's supposed journey would end AND begin when he entered the Source (the machine mainframe), destroying the machines while inserting the program res tarting the Matrix to keep all mankind alive until they all were located and freed--at least this is what the Architect would have him believe. But if this was in fact the way to save humanity, then why did history continue to repeat itself, why was this the 6th time Neo would be talking to the Architect, and how could the machines have destroyed Zion five times previous? It's simple--because it's not. The anomaly is the one thing that can destroy the machines, so what did they do--they created 'the Prophecy' as a means to control the One, having him believe he was entering the Source to destroy the machines and free mankind when in fact all he was doing was restarting the Matrix. Why all the difficulty in getting in to see the Architect?--Because in that ro om, one door led into the Source which would restart the backup Matrix, keeping all mankind in the dream world and effectively controlling the anomaly, and the other led to the real Matrix, the one that the machines tried so desperately to keep Neo from entering, because in THAT world, Neo is a virus to the machines
So, the Marovingian was part of the first redesigned Matrix that the Architect said was as monumental in its triumph as in its failure. He was the anomaly of that version, but he did not do what the Architect would have him do because he was corrupted by power. So, when the redesigned Matrix was created, the Marovingian kidnapped the key maker before the agents could delete him, thereby providing him with access to anywhere in the Matrix, which is where he has been living in exile because the system wants to delete him as well (he has become an obsolete design because Neo became the anomaly and functioned as the Architect wished, driven by his purpose as foretold in the Prophecy). He is so dangerous because he can write programs for the Matrix from within th e Matrix, which are sins that are corrupting the Matrix which is why the machines need Neo to insert the program and reload the Matrix, so that they can try once again to locate and terminate the Marovingian. This explains why the Marovingian says that he survived Neo's predecessors and why he doesn't want to turn the key maker over to Neo...he knows that Neo is functioning for the machines [albeit unknowingly], doing their bidding without knowing why, which also goes back into explaining the significances of Councillor Hamann's comment, "I understand the reason for you being able to do the things you do...I just hope we understand why before it's too late."
Which then leads me to Persephone--I think that she's the mother of the Matrix, and that the first system was designed to perpetuate itself--this was the function of the Marovingian. But he did not perform his duty, and instead freed the first of the humans. So, Persephone entered the self-perpetuating version in an effort to find out why, to delve into the human psyche, and thereby gained the proper insight to create the running version of the Matrix. But alas, she dove so deep into human nature as to fall in love with the Marovingian. So, she told him of the new version being created, without of course revealing it was her doing, and so, facing deletion, they chose exile in the new matrix. But alas, Persephone made this sacrifice only to standby and watch as he became corrupted by his power, power that no one else had in the redesigned version. And so Neo came, one, two, three, four, and five times, unknowingly doing the machines bidding. I think in the five previous versions, the Oracle directed Neo to the key maker, but this time was different because the Marovingian had kidnapped the key maker, which inflated his drive for power, inevitably pushing Persephone to tell the Oracle where to find him, thinking he'd give the key maker up. But when he didn't, and she figured out he was cheating, she decided to give Neo the key maker, in effect betraying the betrayer, cause and effect. But, seeing Neo and Trinity reminded her of the love she once had, and not only did she wish to sample it, but in seeing the drast ic change in Neo from the five previous versions because of his love for Trinity, she was also attempting to drive a wedge between them, telling them "such things are not meant to last", seeing the potential for disaster if it did last long enough for Neo to see the Architect.
As for Trinity being able to talk to Neo from outside the Matrix, I think that's simply due to their deep and unabiding love for each othe--it's their connection.
And as for the moving saying that choices do not denote power, I think it implies the exact opposite--choices DO denote power, i.e. Neo's choice to not accept that Trinity was going to die and thereby empowering him to save her life, as well as choose the right path. The Marovingian writes programs denoting human sins and thrives on the power of it, and succumbs to it himself, assuming there are no consequences since he's in the Matrix and since he can write programs. But alas, Persephone proves him wrong--he is not above everyone else--his cause DOES have an effect. And as for A.I. programs succumbing to human desires, I do not think applies to the Marovingian as I have explained because I do not believe he is A.I.
I think that the basic point is our power comes from our ability to make a choice--free will, as Neo so eloquently pointed out in the first movie.
never saw the first one, won't see the second either. Just not a big fan of action movies, to unrealistic when people move in slow motion in midair :rolleyes: and i don't care to hear about the great chase scene, its not Bullit.
Originally posted by 88 CuttyClassic
never saw the first one, won't see the second either. Just not a big fan of action movies, to unrealistic when people move in slow motion in midair :rolleyes:

It's called Science Fiction, it's NOT SUPPOSE to be real...
the only question I have (about the end)

I'm asking a question about the end, so if you didn't see it then don't read!

Did all of humanity in Zion die as well as all of the people in the matrix at the end? That's the only part I didn't get. Thanks
Re: the only question I have (about the end)

Originally posted by Chevymd38
I'm asking a question about the end, so if you didn't see it then don't read!

Did all of humanity in Zion die as well as all of the people in the matrix at the end? That's the only part I didn't get. Thanks

I'd say no since they made no mention of it..they only said the centenals reached the counter attack the humans launched...guess we'll have to wait until November

w00t bishir, thx for explanation, every now and then i thought that they might of just been throwing alot of stuff just to confuse you into just accepting whatever happens in the movie, but it was a very good plot to be just a sci-action flick, i thought it was really good (except the endless dance scene which went from cave manish to a techno beat) and about smith, he's the only survivor found right (but in the other guy's body) and when neo messed up those sentinals, so its a matrix outside the matrix? kinda like the way they showed in the beginning of the code within the letters of the code before the movie started:D ive gotta go see it again
saw it

Originally posted by bishir
I completely agree about the dance scene. I even commented to my wife about it during the movie. I thought I understood most of the movie and I thought it was good, but the end was a little too fast for me. This is a good explanation of the movie taken from the net.
i thought it sucked sorry did not even get 2 sentences in your post.........just go see arnold in t3.....the matrix is not there for sure so no worrys hhahhaha lightin up.... im not a treki either so sorry!!!


Neo IS human, ONLY human as the machines like to put it. Neo WAS given a program to restart the Matrix by one of the members of the crew that stayed behind in the Matrix for Morpheus awaiting a message from the Oracle, which was in fact the program. The Oracle had said program because she was a program created to investigate the human psyche and conscious, given her insight into human nature unlike any other machine. This is how she devised the current working version of the Matrix, also creating the anomaly as the machines put it, The One as humans put it--Neo. So Neo's supposed journey would end AND begin when he entered the Source (the machine mainframe), destroying the machines while inserting the program res tarting the Matrix to keep all mankind alive until they all were located and freed--at least this is what the Architect would have him believe. But if this was in fact the way to save humanity, then why did history continue to repeat itself, why was this the 6th time Neo would be talking to the Architect, and how could the machines have destroyed Zion five times previous? It's simple--because it's not. The anomaly is the one thing that can destroy the machines, so what did they do--they created 'the Prophecy' as a means to control the One, having him believe he was entering the Source to destroy the machines and free mankind when in fact all he was doing was restarting the Matrix. Why all the difficulty in getting in to see the Architect?--Because in that ro om, one door led into the Source which would restart the backup Matrix, keeping all mankind in the dream world and effectively controlling the anomaly, and the other led to the real Matrix, the one that the machines tried so desperately to keep Neo from entering, because in THAT world, Neo is a virus to the machines
So, the Marovingian was part of the first redesigned Matrix that the Architect said was as monumental in its triumph as in its failure. He was the anomaly of that version, but he did not do what the Architect would have him do because he was corrupted by power. So, when the redesigned Matrix was created, the Marovingian kidnapped the key maker before the agents could delete him, thereby providing him with access to anywhere in the Matrix, which is where he has been living in exile because the system wants to delete him as well (he has become an obsolete design because Neo became the anomaly and functioned as the Architect wished, driven by his purpose as foretold in the Prophecy). He is so dangerous because he can write programs for the Matrix from within th e Matrix, which are sins that are corrupting the Matrix which is why the machines need Neo to insert the program and reload the Matrix, so that they can try once again to locate and terminate the Marovingian. This explains why the Marovingian says that he survived Neo's predecessors and why he doesn't want to turn the key maker over to Neo...he knows that Neo is functioning for the machines [albeit unknowingly], doing their bidding without knowing why, which also goes back into explaining the significances of Councillor Hamann's comment, "I understand the reason for you being able to do the things you do...I just hope we understand why before it's too late."
Which then leads me to Persephone--I think that she's the mother of the Matrix, and that the first system was designed to perpetuate itself--this was the function of the Marovingian. But he did not perform his duty, and instead freed the first of the humans. So, Persephone entered the self-perpetuating version in an effort to find out why, to delve into the human psyche, and thereby gained the proper insight to create the running version of the Matrix. But alas, she dove so deep into human nature as to fall in love with the Marovingian. So, she told him of the new version being created, without of course revealing it was her doing, and so, facing deletion, they chose exile in the new matrix. But alas, Persephone made this sacrifice only to standby and watch as he became corrupted by his power, power that no one else had in the redesigned version. And so Neo came, one, two, three, four, and five times, unknowingly doing the machines bidding. I think in the five previous versions, the Oracle directed Neo to the key maker, but this time was different because the Marovingian had kidnapped the key maker, which inflated his drive for power, inevitably pushing Persephone to tell the Oracle where to find him, thinking he'd give the key maker up. But when he didn't, and she figured out he was cheating, she decided to give Neo the key maker, in effect betraying the betrayer, cause and effect. But, seeing Neo and Trinity reminded her of the love she once had, and not only did she wish to sample it, but in seeing the drast ic change in Neo from the five previous versions because of his love for Trinity, she was also attempting to drive a wedge between them, telling them "such things are not meant to last", seeing the potential for disaster if it did last long enough for Neo to see the Architect.
As for Trinity being able to talk to Neo from outside the Matrix, I think that's simply due to their deep and unabiding love for each othe--it's their connection.
And as for the moving saying that choices do not denote power, I think it implies the exact opposite--choices DO denote power, i.e. Neo's choice to not accept that Trinity was going to die and thereby empowering him to save her life, as well as choose the right path. The Marovingian writes programs denoting human sins and thrives on the power of it, and succumbs to it himself, assuming there are no consequences since he's in the Matrix and since he can write programs. But alas, Persephone proves him wrong--he is not above everyone else--his cause DOES have an effect. And as for A.I. programs succumbing to human desires, I do not think applies to the Marovingian as I have explained because I do not believe he is A.I.
I think that the basic point is our power comes from our ability to make a choice--free will, as Neo so eloquently pointed out in the first movie.

Next time you quote me could you at least try not to add words to what I said?

BTW, if you don't like the movie why would you even click on the post?
