me and girlfriend seperated


May 18, 2003
Well I just need to vent. My g/f left june 25 to go to school in NC and its been really hard on the both of us and we've been fighting alot. So today after my crappy day at work I get call from her and she thinks we should take a break and it sucks but I had to agree. So hopefully when she comes back home on august 8 we can work everything out. It just really sucks because we had all sorts of plans to move in together and maybe have a future together. Driving the hell out of the car didn't even help my mood and it usually puts a smile on my face. If your going to respond please don't give any me crap about being better off without her or any women hating bs or anything like that. It would be greatly appreciated.:( :( :( Maybe I'll go out in kill mode tonight to make myself feel better or just get really drunk
First off,

If you want to take the car out for a nice cruise to do some thinking, that's cool, but don't go thrashing on the car to let out your frustrations. That's why they make foreign cars. :) Seriously, that will do nothing but get you a fat speeding ticket or soemthing broke on your car because you weren't paying attention. I know I like to go out and do a good think while driving, but it's more subtle and not tearing the hydes off a new set of BFGs... my first bit of advice.

Second off... I didn't get TOO many details but it sounds to me like you were going to try a long distance relationship. Trust me... they are TOUGH to work out. I'm sure you had high hopes for things, but I can't say it's too much of a surprise that things didn't work out.

How long were you together before she left? What were your plans?

I'm sorry to hear things didn't work out... and as you asked... no women hating comments.
Thanks, we've been together about 1 1/2 years and originally I was moving up there in january and I don't know if thats happening at all now. We thought the long distance would be much easier than its turned out to be. The plan is that we she comes home we'll decide how we work out a long distance thing and if it will work or if we should just end it. Its all really confusing right now.

I was going to go out and beat up on the imports and camaros and rustangs and the like but if I end up drunk that won't happen. I still have enough brain power to stop myself from breaking anything but its starting to look like i just might go to sleep and call it a night.
Sup dude,

Hey going through the SAME thing you are. We are currently seperated.....its been over a week. We were fighting all the time more fighting than anythingelse. I do miss her but I feel like a big log of stress is off my shoulder. Who knows we may get back together... I mean we both are great people its just long distance is hard. Good luck.

Originally posted by 1of1035
Thanks, we've been together about 1 1/2 years and originally I was moving up there in january and I don't know if thats happening at all now.

Are you moving up there to just be with her or to actually move up there as well?? 1 1/2 years is good, but it's still very difficult on any relationship. You really need to have a lot of faith in each other and in your relationship. Even at that, you need to be prepared for things not working. Especially if you're fighting.. you almost have to learn how to fight and resolve things. It's a lot easier when you're that far apart to just toss your hands up and say "I quit". It's easier than trying to resolve a fight over great distance. Heck, it's hard to do when you're in the same room sometimes.

I've done the long distance thing... hence the location in my signature. It takes a lot of planning, a lot of patience, a lot of skills and a lot of luck to make everything line up.

I understand it's confusing right now, but when she comes back, you both should go somewhere quiet and lay all the cards on the table. Be ready for any answer too. I've done it before over 4000 miles distance. Take it from me.. IT AIN'T EASY!
I was going to move to NC about 2 years ago but it didn't work out at the time and we met a few months later and now she ends up there before I do. Go figure.

The one thing we should of done but never did was discuss how things would work out with her gone and I guess we both assumed(big mistake) everything would be just fine. So when she comes back we're going to sit and try to figure out how we can make this work and both be happy. I hope we end up together and everything has a happy ending but I'm not sure what I'm expecting to happen. I don't really expect a happy ending though. I have alot of faith in her and I trust her like no one else
Second off... I didn't get TOO many details but it sounds to me like you were going to try a long distance relationship. Trust me... they are TOUGH to work out. I'm sure you had high hopes for things, but I can't say it's too much of a surprise that things didn't work out.

2 words

web cams
Maybe I'll go out in kill mode tonight to make myself feel better or just get really drunk [/B]

:rolleyes: Please,........ are you that pathetic? Really? That is the WORST possible plan! Good luck!
Jas, go find some booty...that'll make you feel better. My booty call came over tonight...made me feel worlds better. :)
Re: Re: me and girlfriend seperated

Originally posted by Russ Merritt
:rolleyes: Please,........ are you that pathetic? Really? That is the WORST possible plan! Good luck!

No I'm really not. I'm just pissed and whats wrong with going out in kill mode thats a every weekend thing.

No need to worry...

IF both of you feel the relationship is important enough to deal with the temporary separation(s), then everything's going to be OK.

If NOT, then no need to waste any more time in an un-doable situation...and both of you will then get on with the rest of your life.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- need to worry.

One way or the other, it's a done deal.

Keep your inner peace...take care of yourself.
I started hunting for muscle cars as part of a girl crisis. Wrenching on it helps me get frustrated at the car instead of the girl. Probably the best thing I've ever done to keep me focused and calm, really. I don't hate girls. Just the way they ACT. Geesh. Just FYI, don't even bother with the long distance thing. It's even spawned a popular phrase in the military 'what goes TDY stays TDY'. TDY is temporary duty. It means that when someone leaves for some place.... they don't talk about what went on there when they get back. Works for both the guy side and the girl side, I've seen it both ways. Since I work in communications though, I've seen the guy get f'd over more than the girl (nice guys finish last---geeks tend to be nice guys). Whatever you do... stay away from long distance relationships.
at least you two are still talking... that always leaves for room of improvment....

at least it didnt happen to you like one of my ex's did it for me...

happened like this.. (this was a couple years ago, so it seemed kinda more drastic, because i was a depressed teenager, but it turns out for the better. i mean we were fighting all the time, but we managed to stay together a year and a half....)

lets see it started off on a friday, instead of coming over and us going out from there she stood me up and went over to this kid mike's house. then the next day i got my eagle badge (i know im a dork, boyscout ewww), instead of going to my eagle cermony she went to guess who's? Mikes! she did some fooling around with him there... then some more... and a little more... the next day (sunday, also my dads birthday) she called me, told me that it was over she couldnt handle by BS any more (what did i do?!) and it was over.. she started going with mike on monday offically, but then less than a month later, she tryed to patch things up...

HA! is what i said to her...

but anyways... just hope it doesnt go that route...

Neil I'm not sure if thats supossed to make me feel better or not. I guesss on the one upside she hasn't done that to me.
just go buy a dildo and superglue it to her shifter.

does any one still have that video of the 2 civics racing with the dildo shifters flopping around every time they shift?:p
Originally posted by equalizer442
just go buy a dildo and superglue it to her shifter.

does any one still have that video of the 2 civics racing with the dildo shifters flopping around every time they shift?:p

That makes alot of sense:rolleyes:
I got a fortune cookie with my fried rice :)D) today, and it couldn't have said better what I usually preach to my friends who are in relationship slumps...

Time heals all wounds.
Keep your chin up.

Winning numbers: 5, 17.... just kidding ;)
girl friend

Every time I girl told me that they needed a break, I ended up alone. She may have someone else in mind, but hey SHE IS NOT THE ONLY GIRL!!!!! I know right know you think so, but I have been married for 5 years and I see some all the time I want.....dang it...I shouldn't said that.

Find you a nice 18 year blonde with big ti...I mean big thoughts and enjoy life. But dont fall in love....18 is to young and there heads are full of snakes!!!