Methanol Storage....Is water content a bad thing??


Oct 11, 2009
Been difficult to find Methanol in my area for a reasonable $. Found someone who no longer uses it in their car and has a 55 gallon drum of it that he'll sell me for $40. The drum is plastic, not steel. I've read about the hydroscopic properties of Methanol and its ability to pull moisture from anywhere, including through plastic.

Now, is that a bad thing? Since I'm using it for injection in Razor's PAC kit, will a little water in the Methanol hurt anything, affect performance, etc. Seems no, since many inject water solely.

The only other thing I'm worried about is if it was stored in a plastic that was rated for methanol. I've read that Methanol can actually plasticize some plastics and that would probably not be a good thing if there's liquid plastic floating around.

For what it is worth, the drum is 4 years old.

Should I pass?
From my experience, when the methanol goes bad it changes colors to a brownish hue. If its clear in color.. use it.

Depends on teh deal. Off the guy 50 bucks and burn through it as you can. Worse case you dont have a lot tied into it.

I never had or heard of issues storing in plastic. If anything a metal drum would fail before a plastic one would.
Methanol should actually be okay in a plastic drum from what I have seen... I just sent out 14 1 liter jars of scientific grade methanol for work to be tested, it was stored in a plastic drum for about 6 years in a climate controlled building as razor said alot of times when it starts to get bad it turns into a brownish color...