Mom Tasered Repeatedly in Front of Kids, Arrested (Video)

Another great tool for Police is Perception as well as Instinct. This officer showed none. The way you put looks more like the officer showed fear.

Both of my brothers are officers as well as many of my friends. I am not totally inept on their duties. There is still a human factor here. This officer overreacted imo.

By the way I have watched every Cops episode since 1988. :D I have seen WAY more beligerent psychos get away with a hell of alot more than this mom and her 18 seconds.
Not many cops are buried because they over reacted. Most die because they were complacent and treated a routine situation routinely.

I agree, perception and instinct must play a role when deciding to use force tho. Would I have handled that situation the same way? Probably not. Doesn't mean he did anything wrong.

Botton line, she was instucted to get back into her vehicle. She refused to comply. She was instructed a second time to get back into her vehicle. She again, refused to comply. At that point she was advised that she was now under arrest. She is still not complying. He tries physically removing her from her vehicle to place her under arrest. Again, she is not complying and now wilfully resisting arrest.

If you think she is NOT in a defensive stance after attempting to remove her from the vehicle then you need to watch the video again. While attempting to remove her from her vehicle she clearly moves foward towards the Officer when he releases his hand from her. Slightly? Yes, but she still moves forward and again, is not complying. At that point she is Tasered and she still resists arrests and tries getting back into her vehicle. He then continues to try to place her under arrest and places his hands on her in attempt to do so. She pushes his hands off him and again walks towards him in an aggressive manner towards the officer before she finally goes to the ground.

A lot can transpire in 18 seconds.
It looks like she got a little mad,when sean tried to pull her arm out of the socket.She had that death grip on the steering wheel. I guess this is a big headache for both of them!
Tasers, the lazy cops best friend. They should get rid of these things, either shoot em or beat em with the stick.
Tasers are a great tool. Unfortunately, They have reduced the tolerance of officers dealing with the public. Its a quick fix. It has dulled the human senses and lessened the use of their training in conflict resolution.
Tasers are a great tool. Unfortunately, They have reduced the tolerance of officers dealing with the public. It's a quick fix. It has dulled the human senses and lessened the use of their training in conflict resolution.
You may have a point there which is why our dept. makes it is mandatory to get hit with it before you can carry it so you know how uncomfortable it is.

But it also gives the Officer a sense of how effective it can be and deadly as well. Deadly meaning, if someone gets my Taser from me im gonna shoot em cause I know if he strikes me with it he's gonna disarm me with ease.

Although it may have dulled the human senses dealing with the public it has resulted in the greatest reduction in work related injuries in decades for our dept. as well as many others (Except Jersey...:rolleyes: sorry Billy) Which is exactly why our city attorney finally approved it because Taser International was able to show documentation in the reduction of workers comp related claims.

I can't think of the last time I had to notify workers comp due to an injured officer as a result of fighting with a suspect.

That was a very good point tho and the more I think about it the more I agree. I might just print that out and read it off at line up tomorrow and see what kinda reaction I get.

Tasers are like K-9 imo. The mere presence of either will usually get a suspect to comply without any actual force. But the mere presence of it seems to work better in the ghetto then elsewhere for some reason. This I can only assume is because word travels pretty fast in the projects as to how effective it actually is.
You may have a point there which is why our dept. makes it is mandatory to get hit with it before you can carry it so you know how uncomfortable it is.

But it also gives the Officer a sense of how effective it can be and deadly as well. Deadly meaning, if someone gets my Taser from me im gonna shoot em cause I know if he strikes me with it he's gonna disarm me with ease.

Although it may have dulled the human senses dealing with the public it has resulted in the greatest reduction in work related injuries in decades for our dept. as well as many others (Except Jersey...:rolleyes: sorry Billy) Which is exactly why our city attorney finally approved it because Taser International was able to show documentation in the reduction of workers comp related claims.

I can't think of the last time I had to notify workers comp due to an injured officer as a result of fighting with a suspect.

That was a very good point tho and the more I think about it the more I agree. I might just print that out and read it off at line up tomorrow and see what kinda reaction I get.

Tasers are like K-9 imo. The mere presence of either will usually get a suspect to comply without any actual force. But the mere presence of it seems to work better in the ghetto then elsewhere for some reason. This I can only assume is because word travels pretty fast in the projects as to how effective it actually is.

Thanks Brett, I appreciate your comment. You know how pro police I am. You and I were just a little off on this one.

I saw the tapes of both of my brothers getting tased. My older brother stepped up and was the first to take the darts. He almost went down on one knee. He is lean handled it quite well. My oldest brother had the belt on and we laughed so hard because he was pale and limp BEFORE they tased him. He was not looking forward to it and he was a Sergeant in the Marines!

We still tease him. :biggrin:
I missed this one;)

I 100% respect police officers and what they do... I understand they do not know if every time they pull over a car will be their last one or not... As long as they are honest I think you couldn't' ask for a better friend...

The audio would really help. The officer had to make a quick decision. I am not going to bash him for it. I don't know what I would do. I would be pissed though if it was my wife or mom that got tased... She was a woman with a load full of kids...

I have only gotten 1 speeding ticket so far;) I did ask to see the radar and he showed it to me. I think it was locked in. He first accused me of not having on my selt belt. Well for once I actually had it on. I told him, Sir you are wrong I did have my selt belt on... His next statement was "why were you speeding too":eek: I was very respectful, and told him I know I was not speeding... He said I was going 69... I asked nicely if I could see the radar and he said sure come on back... Sure enough it was on 69....:eek: I didn't give him any lip and took my ticket...

The kicker is, I saw him way in the distance with a car pulled over. He just flipped off his lights and had started coming towards me. As soon as I entered the county line which was in between us, he whipped around and pulled me... I am sure it had nothing to do with the Black Shiny Mustang GT with a killer exhaust I had rumbling;) :biggrin:
So in your opinion this was justified?
I bet if that was your mom, sister or daughter you would not be too happy and singing a deferent song.

my wife would have been BS BUT she wouldn't have mouthed off till she got home ranting and raving to me :biggrin: .. My daughter would be just like me .. Yes Sir..No Sir and most of the time we get let go . SOOO bottom line mouth off your getting tazered !!! Lots of people have no respect for LEO's.. Love em or hate em you shut your mouth and do what your told :p
...I could never be a cop.. I'd wear the Tazer gun out in a day .. I'd start with our Massachusetts Harvard moron.. He would have been flappin like a fish outta water if I had been there. :p
You have no idea what irate people are going to do and neither do I.
With all do respect Brett,

Looking at that video I Do Not see an Irate person!! (IF she was to be irate I guess it could be anger about being pulled over for only going 5 over and being ACCUSED for being on a cell phone!) So to use that line as a example first I really think the person needs to be Irate..

Just to let everyone know I have 7 very good friends that are LEO's and I respect them and the job they do very much. I see these guy's on a daily basis so I sent this link to all 7 of them and i'm awaiting there responce. I'm really curious to see what all 7 of them have to say about this routine traffic stop and the reply's here.. Once they reply I will be more than happy to post there reply's..

It's all very simple....

When pulled over, turn off vehicle, turn on flashers, turn on inside lights if dark out, and grip the steering wheel at approximately at 9-12 o'clock (upper left for those who can only read digital clocks) and don't move until instructed. When the cop asks for documentation, let him know where it is at before moving to go get it. You stand a better chance of being let go if the LEO feels safe from the beginning. In over 30 years of driving, I have found that arguing with the LEO will get you nowhere.

When I first got my TR, I went on to the local interstate in a rural area to see what this turbo thing was all about. A few miles down the road, a state LEO pulled me over. I followed the above procedure. He asked me if I knew how fast I was going. I said I had no idea. the speedometer only went to 85MPH. He laughed and said slow it down and let me go.

A fat, SUV driving, cell phone talking, non-stop eating, baby machine, know-it-all hot shot thinks the rules don't apply to her. And you wonder why kids are such disrespectful creeps any more. I think the LEO showed great restraint and should get a medal.
Doesn't anyone find it a little curious that there is no audio for this video? It is being narrated by the "victim".
I have often found that the "victims" perspective is much different than reality.
Really guys, do you truly think the Officer, knowing he is being videotaped, is going to just attack this poor soccer mom and put his entire career in jeopardy?
I agree that it does look bad. Many things Police are forced to do look bad without having all the facts that they are presented with.
The tazer looks bad when used but does not nearly look as bad as an Officer using his hands or a stick to make an arrest. Most Police Departments have the tazer in the force continuum before hands on. This authorizes the Officer to deploy the tazer right after verbal commands. It saves injury both to the Officer and actor. Doesn't it make more sense that this "victim" was not compliant to verbal commands and the Officer escalated to the tazer instead of punching the "victim" in front of her poor children?
Also for those who ask "What if it was your wife or mother?" I have no problem with that. My wife, mother and sister all know how to conduct themselves properly and with respect. They would never place themselves in this position. So... it would never happen to them.
F DA PO...This is a prime example of why some people should not become police officers,they mostly got beat up as kids and now want to bully other people...Ive had MANY run ins with BAD cops,they exist and they do bad things,I say put them where they put so many innocent people and let justice be served behind the bars...Id like to use that taser on that guys breeding organ to stop any future problem childs...

Any future response by can be cleared up here---Yes I know there is alot of good cops and I know some people think they are all good(your wrong) and some think there is only a few bad ones(your wrong too,its a hi percent) and I know they have a hard job(so if they cant do it right then dont do it)..And I know alot of people on here are cops or are related to cops(who cares,your not treated like a regular civilian..PC..)..And I know alot of people have not had any issues with them and you think it must just be the persons fault(your also wrong,we just dont lie down and let them run over us like you must,or you live in a small town and just have not had your turn,it will come)...And when all else fails you to rag on my post ill say it now,I know my spelling is bad :)

Im out,all post about bad cops allways leads to nothing...
shes a dumb cunt...shut the **** up and fight the ticket in court. This isnt the can't throw the red flag and get an instant relay...
I think the c word is a little harsh. Check out the video again, watch as she exits the vehicle. Hardly the actions of an animal or an irate person. She was taking her time, calmly getting out of the vehicle. Which supports her claim that she thought he was going to show her the video. Now if this guy was so threatened by her, why didn't he call for backup once she got back into the van? Because he wasn't scared of her, he knew she was harmless and he was going to show her a lesson by himself. Now if this happened to me, I wouldn't have worried about it. My cell phone records would prove that I wasn't using it. But why should someone have to go through court and all that BS? He lied about seeing her on a phone. Which is a really weak reason to pull someone over anyway, I understand using that excuse on a car load of suspecious persons, but a mom in a van with kids? Give me a break. This guy clearly had a chip on his shoulder before she ever drove by him. I'm glad that situations like this receive attention, hopefully other "bad apples" see this and will think twice about harassing the public.
I think the c word is a little harsh. Check out the video again, watch as she exits the vehicle. Hardly the actions of an animal or an irate person. She was taking her time, calmly getting out of the vehicle. Which supports her claim that she thought he was going to show her the video. Now if this guy was so threatened by her, why didn't he call for backup once she got back into the van? Because he wasn't scared of her, he knew she was harmless and he was going to show her a lesson by himself. Now if this happened to me, I wouldn't have worried about it. My cell phone records would prove that I wasn't using it. But why should someone have to go through court and all that BS? He lied about seeing her on a phone. Which is a really weak reason to pull someone over anyway, I understand using that excuse on a car load of suspecious persons, but a mom in a van with kids? Give me a break. This guy clearly had a chip on his shoulder before she ever drove by him. I'm glad that situations like this receive attention, hopefully other "bad apples" see this and will think twice about harassing the public.
all it takes is one crazy broad and they are playing bag pipes for the guy... i dont question this officer. BE REPSONSIBLE FOR UR ACTIONS! this lady must be semi retarded for getting out of her car. she did the big no no and it ended up sad.
Take the blinders of.

Did I miss some thing?
Did she get back into the car? YES for the blind people.
Then she was dragged out of the car. Hey Stupid do you want me in the car or out of the car. Then she was tasered and arrested.
1-So what’s the charge? She did not obey a command
What was the command? To get back into the car. WATCH THE $#@^%#ing Video she got back into the car.

The law is the law is the law is hey robot did you leave your commonsense at home or you just never had any.

The bottom line is that Civilians have no rights out side of the court room.
And while in the court room we only have rights when the judge says so. That’s the one and only reality to how things work. And as civilians we need to remember this when we sit in the jury box which is the only time that we can actually do something about anything.

The lady wasnt a threat to anyone but the officer's ego and pride.
I was tasered doesnt feel too good. The situation I was in was quite similar. I wasnt under "arrest" I was being detained for questions about something I had no clue about. I guess resisting arrest thru the use of verbage warrants the need to use less than lethal force. I dont agree with it but hey...its his job right. Im sure one day the cop that tased me will get it even worse. Karma is a b* see what happened to those boys in Oakland a few months ago? Ever wonder why random people go crazy on cops? Situations like this happen a lot. Its just the world we live in and things will never change.