mustang at school

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I didnt even read this entire thread b/c it isnt worth most peoples time. But for my own $.02. Most people are not being racist, they (like me) are referring to a generalization of how others act across our country. If you read a post about a race and all you see is the person describing the other persons looks/acts and not the race, then you need to stop reading in the fish/kill section and go to a board that is sensitive to people being called "gear heads" or "grease monkeys". This topic is really startin to pi$$ me off b/c a certian ammount of people are jumping on racial topics when none have been intentionally given/meant. Stop doing this!! It recks the post. If you have a problem post somthing in the random section. BTW nice job beating up on modern muscle with a grandma grocery getter!! Teach them whats up in front of their women.:D (If you both go to the same school) Bring it up in front of him, his woman, and his friends at least once.:cool:

Nice kill and all that other stuff. Don't understand why people get all cranky and bent out of shape when people REPLY to someone elses post after all you are hitting the reply button. congrats to the TR community for educating someone on the stupid stuff they say. The people responding to the post didn't start it, the guy who said wigger did, cause where I come from wigger means white ni**r. By the way CHris Rock is a Comedian, he is making a joke, I suggest you don't take your social/political views from him, ussually they are going for the joke
GN4LIFE...You need to get a life!

Chris Rock hit it on the head. Maybe he is joking, but its the underlying message....
Originally posted by rose1mr
GN4LIFE...You need to get a life!

Chris Rock hit it on the head. Maybe he is joking, but its the underlying message....

rose1mr: u need to get a life, a pun are you serious. By the way this topic is pretty much dead. You have already proven your character in your other dumb post. All I know is that judging people by how they look is real stupid. I don't care what Chris Rock said, call some one a wigger or ni**er to their face and see what happens. I'm sure they will understand where you were coming from (sarcasm).
You can call me all the names you want to pal....I couldnt really care what you or anyone else on this board thinks of me.

But let me tell you one thing....maybe when I was younger I felt like you did. Not judging people on "how they look". All men are created equal and crap like that. Sure, maybe its a crappy thing to do....but since Sept. 11th, I am sorry, that is all you can do now. Not only for those of "middle eastern descent" but for everyone.

Its not even about what chris rock said you narrow minded fool. It has to do with perception, cause in our culture, perception is reality. It doesnt make any difference whether the kid was a wig*er or not....but if he looks like one and acts like one...then guess what?

So, do us all a favor...take your head out of your A$$ and join the rest of us in a place I like to call planet earth.
rose1mr: First of all I never called you any names. Your arguments are stupid and hold no weight. How can somone with a retardedly closed mind as yourself call anyone narrow minded. You blaming all middle easterners for the 9/11 attacks is pathetic. Did you become suspicious of all white people when tim Mcvaugh and terry nickels blew up the oklahoma building??? That would be just like me blaming all white people for slavery, every rascist remark I have heard, and a bunch of other bull ****. Oh yeah if you want to talk about reality and "perception" go to a place where your the only minority or the only one of your "kind." Get beaten, profiled, and called out your name and see how you like it.
Hey Kaiser bear sorry your thred got hijacked but some things just can't be left unsaid.
You guys are like a bunch of KIDS! This is enough, i'm locking it!

Especially when you are using rascist remark it's got to stop!
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