Never Buy A Dell!!!


Aug 23, 2002
I won't go into great detail about the trouble I've had but I will never buy another dell in my life. I had a couple hardware problems with my laptop and they make you troubleshoot the operating system before they make you troubleshoot the components. Not to mention that there tech support is in India wich doesn't help the American Economy and no way in hell do the techs that far away care about how my cpu is working. Then there is the company they use for home service repair. The first guy they sent out was a dumbass and couldn't fix two of the problems not to mention he broke my keboard so the arrow keys didn't work and on the way to his car he threw his soda can in my yard. Hes lucky I didn't see him do that cause I was in a really bad mood that day. I wrote Dell an email telling them all this and how disappointed I was in there service and a lady called me and trying to resolve this acting like she was doing me a favor when they have to do it because it's under warranty. I got a little upset with her and she hung up on me. Oh well it's fixed now and hopefully will stay that way just had to vent and warn the public.

I had the exact same problem w/ my Insperion POS! The woman on the line had such a pisspoor command of English, I hung up on her!! I had mine for 2 days and it took a crap! They came and got it, under threat of cancelling the CC charge and then shipping it back COD!

That stuff is TOTAL crap!!! And Winbook is not much better!:mad:
I got a Dell and we have one at work. Work great and absolutly no issues with the hardware with either. :)
I love my Dell. We've only had a few problems with it but that was involving our own screwups and the Techies were very helpful. That was why we got one in the first place. Dell was supposed to have the best rated Tech support. I'm pretty sure they've recieved awards for it. I guess maybe it differs on the Techie on the other end of the line. :cool:
No matter what computer company you buy there will always be lemons amongst the bunch.
Yeah a lot of service is 3rd party.

It is even that way with the BIG BOYS of computer like SUN, Compaq, IBM, Storage systems like EMC too..
You get tech support in Ireland or India.

When I asked here many posts ago which computer to buy I got many different reactions & answers.
I have had an issue with my Dell laptop for 2 weeks now. I am afraid to send it in to get fixed. I an dealing with the hassle for now, but will have to deal with it soon. Out of the blue, the mouse pointer will start moving to either the top right or low left corner, picking up speed on the way. If you bang it a few or click hard & fast, it resets most of the time.

Other than that (after 2+ years good service), it's been fine. My previous Dell desktop was top of the line, my bro has it now, working fine. My (almost year old) desktop Dell has been fine from day one too. Knocking on some wood right now :)
I am not thrilled with their service or support though. Got to act like a moron to get best help. If you act like you know a little, they will try to get you to do all kinds of stuff. Act like an idiot & they know they will have to come out & fix it. I feel your pain.
I've had a Dell desktop for a couple of years; works great. I agree that any manufacturer can put out a few lemons. IT's true though that they used to be known for their customer support. Those days are long gone.
My understanding is that IBM handles their tech support. That was from a guy I know at IBM in TX that said he was a coordinator in that area. Been a while, maybe that's not the case now. I've never been able to get tech support for mine at work, the service tag # doesn't show in their system, so I never get help. I can spend a hour on the phone being transferred around to people trying to look up the number, but no one will actually answer a simple question without it. Screw it, I format the drive and start over when it gets that bad now. Takes less time that way.

*Who does sell a good computer? Heard bad things about Gateway too? Going to cough up for a new one at home in the coming months. 400 mhz & 10 gb HD is pretty much useless now. :(
This is actually very surprising for me. Granted, I'm sure bad apples will always show up no matter where ya go, but I've had very good dealings with Dell. The Desktop Dell I have here works fantastic. Haven't had a lick of trouble out of it.

At my former work, I was on the "Tech Team" and we had a lab of 30 Dell's that were used for various teaching applications. Middle school students would use these computers and despite all that we had very few failures that were usually quickly resolved.

I'm sorry to hear you had a bad time with Dell. They really are a half-way decent company. Now, if you ask me about Compaq computers... :mad: that's another story entirely!
After having both laptops and desktops over the last 8 years, all I can say is that laptops are crap! general. I had a couple Compaq laptops during my first couple years through college. first one worked good, just slow. Got another Compaq and its a POS. Compaq wont fix it either.....I hate Compaq....dont buy any of their new stuff, its junk! I got a Dell 4550 desktop like 8 months ago and its great. I can run games, AIM, internet windows, download stuff, all at the same time an it doesnt slow down at all. Desktops are soooooo much more durable than laptops. Laptops get too hot as well, my Dell hasnt even broken sweat. Go for a Dell desktop an see if theres any difference.
Bought a Dell about 90 days ago. After 2 hard drives, one motherboard, one wireless router, countless hours on the phone and a repairperson from Dell coming twice it has been working fine for the last month.

Since they refused to send me a new computer, I will not buy another Dell.

I'm the "computer geek" in my office and I deal with EVERYTHING in the building. Unfortunately, I will have to agree with you about their laptops. We have about 10 Latitudes and I have experienced problems similar to yours. Seems that users who place them into "rough service" always have problems and the on-site repair guys are a 50-50 chance of being a complete moron. An IT co-worker had a guy out just last week that replaced the main board. He didn't bother to diag it before he left and the DAMN THING DIDN'T EVEN WORK!

On the other hand, we have about 75 Optiplex desktop machines and I couldn't rave enough about them. Failures are few and even if something does fail, no tools are required for repair. Parts always arrive next day. Almost everyting pops out. I prefer not to get into the hardware anymore, but sometimes if you want it done right, you gotta do it yourself. I won't tear down a latop that's still under warranty, but fixing desktops is a breeze and I eliminate the chance the tech is really an idiot.
Originally posted by HRpartsNstuff
Out of the blue, the mouse pointer will start moving to either the top right or low left corner, picking up speed on the way. If you bang it a few or click hard & fast, it resets most of the time.

HAHAHA. Sorry to laugh at your problems, but that seems to happen on about 50% of Dell laptops that I maintain. It's very common and I'm shocked that Dell hasn't fixed it yet.
I built my own computer because I do not trust a single family/home computer manufacturer on the market. However, if I were forced to trust one, which I was recently to help a friend's idiot parents shop for a computer when they insisted it be a name-brand (instead of letting me build one for them... they wanted to have 'tech support', ahahahahah:rolleyes: ), and I told them the only one worth buying would be a Dell. Think about it... The only other major ones out there are E-machines, Compaq, HP, and Sony... Sony is the Ford of computers, and everything else is just plain garbage. I used to have an E-machines, by far the worst system I've ever had in my life. Thankfully never had to own a compaq, and every HP I know gets system slowdown like you wouldn't believe after just a few months.
Originally posted by BlackBuick84
After having both laptops and desktops over the last 8 years, all I can say is that laptops are crap! general. I had a couple Compaq laptops during my first couple years through college. first one worked good, just slow. Got another Compaq and its a POS. Compaq wont fix it either.....I hate Compaq....dont buy any of their new stuff, its junk! I got a Dell 4550 desktop like 8 months ago and its great. I can run games, AIM, internet windows, download stuff, all at the same time an it doesnt slow down at all. Desktops are soooooo much more durable than laptops. Laptops get too hot as well, my Dell hasnt even broken sweat. Go for a Dell desktop an see if theres any difference.

What Compaq laptop did you have trouble with?
I've got a Presario 900 US and it's been flawless since I got it last November.
I hear they're made by Toshiba. :confused:
I'm sorry to hear of your trouble :( I got a Dell Inspiron 5100 about 6 months ago and it has run flawless (knock on wood)
this replaced my 7 year old Gateway that also run with out a hitch. Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good I guess.

The only thing about it is while playing games on it the fan does kick into high and is a little loud. But I guess that is good.
Originally posted by Pronto
I got a Dell and we have one at work. Work great and absolutly no issues with the hardware with either. :)

I've had Dell's for almost 10 years.....Most reliable computer i've EVER had. Sorry to here about yours problems, but I think you may be in the minority.
