New 2005 Vegas Nats Video

link 3 no workie, I need video. Cold here no car, need video. Need video. NEED VIDEO!!! COLD!!! cant work on car, I am desperate fro releif
sorrie i would try to fix it but im on the other side of the country in no mans or no womans or no GN LAND!!! LUTZ Florida! I will fix the links when i get back to cali!

After i get laid and go party of course! Man i miss the left side. The left side is the tight side, and the right side is the wrong side, well welcome to the darkside :biggrin: Florida is cool though i guess, but not for someone born and raised in cali and still in college. ;)

I can't even access the site, something wrong or blocked by the admin of the internet @ the library im at. Yea i have to goto a library to use a computer haha!