oil in wastegate solenoid no 15psi boost


New Member
Mar 12, 2003
Hello turbomasters!

I´m wondering what`s wrong because my turbo boost doesn`t get uto 15 psi? (Only 11) I changed wastegate solenoid and checked that power from ecm comes allright. I wired a lamp between d3 groud to find out when the solenoid opens, but it opened(lamp had light) right away when i started driving slowly...?

what can be reason for this kind of problem? I have checked that the groud is good. I also tried with another ecm.

Sorry if i have made mistakes with terms. I´m from Finland...:D

i really appreciate your help

and i also tried ofcourse with the hose off solenoid and boost went easily to 20psi(autometer)
my best guess would be the chip your running, is it an emmisions or an economy chip of some sort? because i was looking throught a postons a littlebit ago and it looks like the lowest boost you could get by adjusting the solinoid open time would be aroune 11-12psi. and that was on a valet setting.
Originally posted by VILI

Sorry if i have made mistakes with terms. I´m from Finland...:D

No apologies necessary, VILI. Your spelling (& grammar)
is excellent. Some USA residents need you as their tutor! :)

Many Turbo Buicks in Finland?
One side of the solenoid should have +12 V on it as long as the key is on. The other side is connected to the ecm. When the maf is less than 76 gram/sec (in the stock chip and all aftermarket chips I've looked at), the ecm does not pulse the solenoid. That means that no current is flowing and thus the ecm side of the solenoid will also show 12 V if you use a digital voltmeter and most likely will also look like 12 V with a test light (which doesn't draw much current). When the airflow gets over 76 gm/sec the ecm starts to pulse the valve and the voltage on the ecm side of the solenoid will look to a voltmeter as something between 12 V and maybe 1-2 V.

It sounds like your problem is most likely tha the Y in the tubing between turbo, solenoid, and actuator is in the wrong position. Did you just replace this, or have it off the car? One leg of the Y has a metal disc inside, with a small hole drilled in it. This restrictor must be connected to the turbo compressor, and not to the actuator or solenoid.
Thank you!!!

Hello guys and thank you for replying!!!

Ofcourse i forgot to tell you what car am i driving... It`s a 87 gn quite stock, but i`m going to change that. We have had 12 gn`s here in Finland and at the moment I think we have 7-9 left.
A friend of mine brought two and he`s rebuiding another oneand driving one. He`s my "tutor" with these great cars and i`ve learned great deal from him. Thanks to him i also had opportunity to test with his ecm and chip. (those work just fine in his tt)

So I tested with two ecms and two chips and that did not make any difference, BUT i`ve had that y out of it`s original place earlier and best guess is now that the problem is right there. So thank you Carl and all of you for replying. I`m going to check these things tonight when I get home.(it`s 11.50 am in Finland)