On the way home:

Gary Wells

White turbo Buick trailer park trash
Mar 2, 2002
I had just left Donut derelict's this AM & headed up Magnolia towards the 405. I'm slowing down coming up to the last light just before the 405N on-ramp and I notice over 2 lanes is a black charger wearing what I thought was SRT8 badging. He was in the lane nearest the curb, a car separated us, and I was in the last lane over towards the median strip. I really did not want to run him, but I needed his lane for the on-ramp coming up less than 100 or so yards ahead, so I knew that it would be either get ahead of him, or lag behind him & suck it up. Tires on the Caddy chirped, spun briefly, and we were off with me slightly ahead of him. I pushed the pedal some more, have no idea what boost I hit, but the Cad was about 1 1/2 cars ahead of him and the freeway on ramp was coming up quickly, I tickled the pedal a tad more and was about 2 car lengths ahead of him when I took over his lane, signaled for the on-ramp, and started braking. I could see in my rearview that he was definitely not a happy camper, and he rode my butt until we got to the and I hit the bottom of the on-ramp and I left him rather abruptly. I put the Cad on cruise control at about 73 MPH & began the freeway run homeward bound. But wait a minute, this clown flies by me at about 85 or so to my 73 and he flipped me off. I just smiled and waved him on. So much for Mopar people and a sense of humor. May not of been a SRT8, I don't know, but it said SRT something on the side of the car.
Sounds like you hurt his fealings. TWICE! I guess that Slo-pars aren't supposed to get sand kicked in their faces by Cadillacs.:eek:

Nice kill.

Mike B.
That was the 3rd kill for the Caddy, & 1 loss.
1st kill was about 6 or 7 months ago on Magnolia heading west on the way to Donut Derelict's. About 5:45 AM. A Audi A6, I believe, but was not stock.
We took off from about a 15-20 MPH or so roll right after leaving a light, maybe Garfield. I got very lucky and hit the go pedal just right and the Cad took him right out the gate. I got about a car & 1/2 ahead of him and shut down. He came alongside, gunned his motor, and wanted more. I felt that we were getting to near the next light to do another run, and he flipped out. He kept gunning his motor, dropping the hammer, and then immediately pulling stopees. Had a real temper problem, that guy. I just waved him on. I couldn't see his reaction as it was still dark out. He probably flipped me off too. Bad loser, him. He also looked like he was going to pull into Donut Derelicts, but changed his mind after seeing me signal to turn left, and he went left on Adams. Probably went to Cars & Coffee to lick his wounds. Good riddance.
2nd kill for the Caddy was about 3 or 4 months ago, having just left Donut Derelicts and just before the last light before the 405N onramp about a '69 or so Chevelle pulled up alongside me and we hit the light together. I probably should have not raced him, as the Chevelle looked a little ratty, had about a 3" hood-scoop, big & littles, traction bars, sounded like a big block cammed but not properly tuned. He gunned his motor, looked over at me, snickered that knowing "I got you, sucker" sarcastic leer. I nodded, gave him that "V" "You're Kool" sign, the light changed, and the Caddy took him out of the hole & pretty much walked him. I shut it down at about 60 MPH, about a car & 1/2 ahead of him, and began slowing down for the on-ramp turnoff. Come to think about it, he wouldn't even look my way as he passed by going straight on Magnolia.
The Ricer Flyby, Not just for Honda's anymore.
