Other Internet Browsers


New Member
Nov 1, 2007
I read something in the paper today about new Internet Browsers. Besides the standard Internet Explorer and Firefox they talked about less known ones. The lesser known ones they talked about were Opera and Flock. I was wondering if anyone has had an experience with these other two?
I always put firefly on kids computers. It's pretty cool with a password that parents have to type in before a domain name can be added.

There are all kinds of free browsers but, many just sit on top of IE or firefox.
Opera has been around since 1996-1997 or so, so it's not really very new. It used to be one of the only alternatives to IE. It was ad supported, not sure if it still is. You could pay to get a version without the ads, or use the free one with some banner ads at the top. It's great at web standards, works well with most sites, etc. Nothing spectacular about it, but much, much better than IE. Comes in Mac and PC versions. Not really highly used though, probably the #3 browser out there behind IE and Firefox. It does power a lot of the mobile device browsers though.

Flock is built upon the Firefox architecture. Supposed to be more "social". Eh, I'd just download Firefox and call it good.
I read about some cool things about the Opera 9.5 and Firefox 3. I use Firefox 2 and I'm a little concerned about trying new things. Usually I get so used to one program that using something else feels so different. That I go back too the older program.
If you're already using Firefox 2, I would say go ahead and download Firefox 3. If nothing else, you get a lot of security and speed improvements. For Windows machines, I don't think that the user interface should have changed all that much easier, so on first glance, it will probably be just like using the version that you're used to. If you're already using Firefox, I wouldn't recommend switching over to Opera.
I used to use Firefox and really liked it, but found I had some memory usage issues with it. I switched over to Opera 9.52 and love it. Very fast. (To be fair, I also switched over to Linux OS, and really like it)

I use Safari on occaision, it's fast.

Not to start some religious Os/browser war but, what is your safari running under? If it's Windows (forced through itunes updates), 33% of all exploits for safari are still unpatched by apple. If it's on a mac, you'd better be looking for a patch now. MacBook Air first to be cracked at PWN to OWN hack competition - heise online UK

Although I am a big fan of opensource OSes and browsers I think firefox is the safest way to go online. The dev team will have patches out for exploits within hours of the code hitting the net. Yes, you can run something like this Konqueror - Konqueror - Web Browser, File Manager - and more! on your obscure bsd machine but, overall support is great in firefox and it behaves in almost any environment. People misunderstand IE and it's role as a browser. Most business environments that have application through a web browser need to be able to run a certain version of something and know it can be supported by vendors. That's where firefox falls short. I support a large accounting/financial system that requires a certain IE version, not greater, no less. They wrote the app to do certain things they can control through activeX components. They can't just support any install of firefox and guarantee anything to work for any environment. It's just too much to ask.

Opera is OK but, there are way too many free alternatives that annoy you with ads for the free versions.
Another firefox user here. I'll never go back to IE if I can avoid it and I tell everyone I know still using IE to switch to firefox.
Will upgrading to Firefox 3 remove Firefox 2 from my computer?
I like the idea of having the older browser on stand-by.
just did this

Firefox. FAST. How do I get a nice homepage? I am not finding it. I am not great at this stuff. NEVER MIND. I just put up my yahoo home page.