outta space race

Tony Baloni

New Member
Aug 11, 2002
Well I got my new turbo today, It's one of doze TE 64,683,288's
so I put it on an go for a test run. I get on it an BANGO!
nex ting i knows I'm tru da earts atmosphere an in outta space.
So dare I am in outta space mindin' my own beeze wax when who
should pull up by me but James T Kirk in his "entaprize"
He's lookin at me den like turns to Spock an dare laughin'
I knows he's gonna have Scutti floor it. So I'm a little nervous
ya knows cause I gotta admit doze 47 foot dual exaust sound pretty
friggin mean. So i starts to build boost to aroun' 83,000 psi
den BANGO! it's on! well i got da jump on him by about tree car
length's probably cause my GN weighs 3,650 wit me in it, an his
rig is I guess aroun' 2,250 Metric Tons. Well he gains a little
but i'm still like two car length's ahead den suddenly i'm pullin
further away! I pass da moon and start shuttin' her down, well
doesn't Kirk give me da classic Starship fly-by! friggin sore loser
Now i knows some of youse pistonheads are gonna say Hey,Tony, dares
no oxygen in outta space youse cant do dat! Well lemme' tell ya
goop face ahcordin to my scan tool my o2's were dead friggin on!

P.S. I noticed alot of youse Nitto-witts have been wonderin'
what ole' Tony Baloni looks like, well I will honor youse
wit a link to a picture of da best lookin' man on da planet!
But i would advise youse not to let your girlfreind or your wife
get a glance cuz they will leave you in a friggin heartbeat, Once
they gaze at my handsome mug.
This is some funny sh!t. It's kinda like an Italian guy that dropped way too much acid.
I havta agree i have seen my fair share of trolls and this one isn't really as much a troll as he is amusement
I like him
It's Tony Clifton's alter ego!! :eek: But wait...would that make him an alter ego of an alter ego!? ;)