

New Member
Jul 13, 2008
Well guys after getting the engine driveable I ran into some more issues...1. drove it about a month ago for about 30 mins around the neighborhood...she was running good but the temp was getting to 240 then she started losing power and lil puffs of blue smoke was coming out...so I pulled over so I wouldn't mess anything up...after turning her off she boiled but it didn't boil over ...i let her cool then i started her up all of a sudden smoke was coming from everywhere....so i turned her off let it cool then slowy drove home....after that i said f*** it and i parked the car into now.....about 4 days ago i got curious started her up no smoke.....check the oil it was black/brown checked the tranny fluid and it was dry....after that I let the engine run 30 mins each day at a midrange rpm...no white smoke just a lil small blue into it warmed up...the first day i ran the motor with coolant going to the turbo plenum she was at 245. the rest of the times i ran without the turbo plenum coolant port she ran a little cooler....is there anything else i can do to make the motor run cooler....the motor seems to cool when I let her idle
ok here is a check list:
flush the cooling system all of it radiator, heater core, engine block, all hoses.
check the radiator for blockage or have someone check it.
If your running a thermostat, take it out and run it without it and have it checked while it's out or replace it with a 160 degree one.
red line water wetter is colored iso alcohol, run a pint to a quart of that.
Well guys after getting the engine driveable I ran into some more issues...1. drove it about a month ago for about 30 mins around the neighborhood...she was running good but the temp was getting to 240 then she started losing power and lil puffs of blue smoke was coming out...so I pulled over so I wouldn't mess anything up...after turning her off she boiled but it didn't boil over ...i let her cool then i started her up all of a sudden smoke was coming from everywhere....so i turned her off let it cool then slowy drove home....after that i said f*** it and i parked the car into now.....about 4 days ago i got curious started her up no smoke.....check the oil it was black/brown checked the tranny fluid and it was dry....after that I let the engine run 30 mins each day at a midrange rpm...no white smoke just a lil small blue into it warmed up...the first day i ran the motor with coolant going to the turbo plenum she was at 245. the rest of the times i ran without the turbo plenum coolant port she ran a little cooler....is there anything else i can do to make the motor run cooler....the motor seems to cool when I let her idle

I placed a curse on your car when you got the distributor and turbo control center away from me Lorenzo.:eek: Ok, no I didn't.:biggrin: Everything Adam said but I'll add something you may not have checked. Start the car up and get it to temp first. Drive around the block and when you get back if the temp hasn't gone up that much do it again. When it's up to 200 pop the hood and watch the fan when you turn the engine off. If it spins more that 2 times it's got a bad fan clutch and it needs to be replaced. If it doesn't have a little wound spring on the front of the fan clutch it's the wrong one so get the right one.
Another thing you can do is put a skirt under the car to force more air into the radiator. I had a simular problem with my old Skyhawk and the skirt/spoiler solved the problem. Glad to hear from you but you need to keep us up to date on it more often.
Good thinking Charlie! I forget about the fan clutch a lot, That's always one of the first things I remove from my engines and throw directly in the trash.
Good thinking Charlie! I forget about the fan clutch a lot, That's always one of the first things I remove from my engines and throw directly in the trash.

LOL You just have to remember 1 thing Adam. KISS! Keep it simple stupid.:biggrin: It gets drilled into you in the military.:tongue:
LOL You just have to remember 1 thing Adam. KISS! Keep it simple stupid.:biggrin: It gets drilled into you in the military.:tongue:

sorry not to keep yall posted I just sat her down after it overheated and i got it home but after 3 days of testing with high rpm i dont think the head gasket went bad...i think im going to replace the fan clutch anyway the fan doesn't have any resistance when turning it by hand it moves freely...also i keep having a problem with tranny fluid coming from the damn dipstick after replacing i dont know how its coming out of the dipstick...on the tranny cooler lines does the top one on the tranny case go to the top cooler port on the radiator and the one on the bottom of the tranny case goes to the bottom coolant port on radiator??
sorry not to keep yall posted I just sat her down after it overheated and i got it home but after 3 days of testing with high rpm i dont think the head gasket went bad...i think im going to replace the fan clutch anyway the fan doesn't have any resistance when turning it by hand it moves freely...also i keep having a problem with tranny fluid coming from the damn dipstick after replacing i dont know how its coming out of the dipstick...on the tranny cooler lines does the top one on the tranny case go to the top cooler port on the radiator and the one on the bottom of the tranny case goes to the bottom coolant port on radiator??
should i get thermal or non thermal clutch
You can do that but you will notice the power it takes away from the engine all the time. When my engine was all stock and still a drawthru it has a thermal fan clutch with the heavy 5 blade fan and when the fan wasn't freewheeling I'd swear it used 10-15 HP to turn it. When I would first start the engine and the fan clutch was working right I'd see 250 rpm increase as soon as the clutch let the fan freewheel.
The non thermal is a viscus clutch that's suposed to cut out at a higher rpm but I have yet to see one do it. The thermal only comes on when you start the car or if it needs to cool the radiator down. Adam's right about the loss of power, it is something you will notice.
The non thermal is a viscus clutch that's suposed to cut out at a higher rpm but I have yet to see one do it. The thermal only comes on when you start the car or if it needs to cool the radiator down. Adam's right about the loss of power, it is something you will notice.

ok i had to order the fan the clutch should have it tomorrow im going to fill her up with antifreeze and put on the fan clutch i was thinking of running an electric fan too
You can never have to much cooling if you have a thermostat in the car. I had problems with my old NA car like I said. I ended up using 2 electric fans and getting rid of the stock one. I even had the core increased to 4 row and it still didn't help all the time. You might have to see if you can find a V8 core and using electric fans as well. See how it does first though.
i dont understand how you all manage to have over heating problems.

My luv has been fine with a 17X19 inch radiator and a single 11" diameter 4 blade mechanical fan in 110 degree heat for 2 weeks now. (yes i drove it to the desert with fresh slugs and miles of open road) and havent had a problem running 14 intial timing on 93 octane.

I bet you have a distributor or controller problem..... why its fine at idle but not while running, i smell something fishy.

:confused: A.j.