PayPal scam


No helmet required!
May 25, 2001
From PC Magazine:

'Warning: Even the most legitimate-looking e-mail from a trusted source could be a scam in disguise. We learned this firsthand when we got an e-mail from the PayPal billing service that asked us for a lot of information-including our credit card number. But the message, although carefully crafted to look like it came from PayPal, was from someone else. '
I have heard that before about paypal and EBay. I just never give out my CC# to anyone without knowing for sure what it is all about.
Thanks for the heads up, I use PayPal and EBay all the time. I'll be careful. Whenever I get an email asking for a credit card number, I be sure there's a phone number and I contact the person first. Better overly cautious than SORRY.