Picture of the day


New Member
Jan 19, 2003
aww cmon guys, it was just a joke :p It was a photoshop The original pic shows the needle at zero. lloololol
my el camino used to do that, it 'pegged' at 85 but i pulled out the little peg. and since i had 4.10's in the rear and a 700R4 instead of the stock TH250 and 2.73's the speedo was really messed up.

so with that compination (of the rear end gears, tranny, and missing peg) the speedo used to really be off, 30 mph was about 55 on the speedo.. so when i was going 75+ it would say i was in netural or reverse.. it was funny to me, confused a lot of people, and since im a loser like i am, when ever i would hit 'reverse' or what not i would be like, 'we're going back to the future!!!' and make all sorts of sound effects and such....

yeah i know i'm a loser... leave me be... i'm simple minded, and thats the way i like it...

It's a police model, they aren't governed. Some models are governed to 130, but their top speed is approximately 138-140mph on 3:27 gears.
I have a picture of the speedo on the my old Lightning doing just that. I wanted to see if it really was aerodynamically speed limited. ;) The impressive thing was that it felt more like doing 60 mph....very tight at speed.
I have lots of pictures of a speedo pegged at '85' I can show you. Gets there in about 14 seconds :p
I think I'm gonna print that out and put it on my Sergeant's desk. Even with our huge roof lights, some of the guys have hit 130's 140's with em. And one of em had the entire light bar come apart due to the speed. Won't catch me doin that though, not worth losing my job or gettin creamed.