Police Confront Man for Open Carrying Firearm Legally

This dufus wasn't just walking down the street. He approached the officer while he was fully engagaed with a motorist. He got so close that the officer had to turn his attention away from the motorist and both address and direct the individual to back away. That's what happened in this video. Based on his stupididty alone, this interaction could have gone a lot differently for both the cop and dufus boy. Ever see a video of a cop shot while his own dash cam was rolling. The motorist can pose a threat as well as this dick every moment the officer has to engage either of them. This jackoff put the officer's safety at risk and I would have taken control of him until I was done...then he would have been free to leave...and if he didn't listen to me, he'd have lunch balogna sandwich style.

I undestand, the guy involved himself and made the cop uneasy granted, a mistake. I understand that cops get shot in the line of duty that is unfortunate and a tragedy. I understand cops need eyes in the back of their heads when in situations where people are all around them.

But my statement that legal carry people are responsible for .0001% of all shootings and no criminal is going to open carry still stands. The cop, while he had to disengage the guy from himself and the person being stopped, should know the odds in the situations he faces. If I was a cop and my life depended on my judgement I certianly would. The stopped motorist was still the more potentialy dangerous threat.

If I were the officer, as soon as the guy with the gun approached i would've immediately stepped back from the vehicle since there were now two potential threats until i could control the situation. The officers potential lack in training or disregard for his own life put himself in danger by turning his back on the driver.

There were two idiots at that scene.

I undestand, the guy involved himself and made the cop uneasy granted, a mistake. I understand that cops get shot in the line of duty that is unfortunate and a tragedy. I understand cops need eyes in the back of their heads when in situations where people are all around them.

But my statement that legal carry people are responsible for .0001% of all shootings and no criminal is going to open carry still stands. The cop, while he had to disengage the guy from himself and the person being stopped, should know the odds in the situations he faces. If I was a cop and my life depended on my judgement I certianly would. The stopped motorist was still the more potentialy dangerous threat.

What kind of criminal record did Adam Lanza have before walking into Sandy Hook? What kind of criminal records did Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold have before Columbine? What about Chris Dorner, thr recent former LA cop that just killed three? How many times do we hear about former military, with no previous criminal records, snapping? At this scene, th cop was given information that there was a domestic relationship between the armed man and the motorist. Talk about the potential for violence! What if that guy was stalking his girlfriend and he took the opportunity to to kill her and the cop because she was stopped? The bottom line is that guy injected himslf into that situation and the cop sees he's armed. Whether it be a 100% chance the guy could use it or, as you put it, a .0001% chance, there is no way the cop could or should be calculating odds in his head to help him decide how to handle that situation. It's there now, present right in front of him. Address the potential threat for his safety and that of everyone else until he completes the task and leaves the scene.
My $0.01...

Let's say i'm as stupid as these guys and i'm walking around legally open carrying (whether that be pistol, rifle, or shotgun). a cop asks me for ID; i have two options. #1 - i am GLAD to show him my id and that i'm clean as a whistle. That will help HIM to know that I am PROBABLY not a bad guy. #2 - i refuse the request for ID and he can assume i'm a bad guy hiding somethng.

I have a helluva better chance on walking away if i comply with the request. I can promise i'm not a felon all i want, but if he doesn't believe me, there's a greater chance of escalation if i refuse to comply. God forbid the situation escalate into a fire fight, because THEN i may not walk away. Yeah sure the cop will catch all kinds of crap because he killed a harmless carrying civilian that was doing nothing wrong. But in the end, i'd be pushing up daisies which is some place i don't wanna be yet.

Yeah, i suppose I could win the fire fight, but not likely since cops do that stuff for a living, not for fun like me. Even if i were to "win", i'm going to gave an assload of issues for a long time.

What rights have I surrendered if I identify myself to the officer?

In my opinion, These guys with their cell phone cameras and open carrying of rifles or pistols are really more dangerous to our rights to carry than those asshat liberals in washington. I don't see why it's so hard for them to understand that they could possibly be having the exact opposite effect that they intended to.
What can you lose by giving your id? Well now this cop that thinks you were giving him a hard time now knows your address and vehicles. Now he can put you on their black list and mess with you whenever you go for a drive.
What can you lose by giving your id? Well now this cop that thinks you were giving him a hard time now knows your address and vehicles. Now he can put you on their black list and mess with you whenever you go for a drive.
In today's world, it's not as difficult to identify anyone even without an id. Cops have cameras, computers and even visit places like Facebook and Twitter. If you're on the public way, you're fair game within reason. For example, if the cop stopped this guy walking down the street, an id would not be required in an of itself but the cops could likely still identify him. In this case, we know this guy drove to the scene and even told the officer the motorist was his girlfriend. Now the officer has his car information and that of the girlfriend. This guy should have stayed in his Scooby Van and filmed all he wanted or just stood accross the street like he started. The cop goes his way, the girl goes hers and he goes his...everyone has a good day except the girl with the ticket:(
What kind of criminal record did Adam Lanza have before walking into Sandy Hook? What kind of criminal records did Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold have before Columbine? What about Chris Dorner, thr recent former LA cop that just killed three? How many times do we hear about former military, with no previous criminal records, snapping? At this scene, th cop was given information that there was a domestic relationship between the armed man and the motorist. Talk about the potential for violence! What if that guy was stalking his girlfriend and he took the opportunity to to kill her and the cop because she was stopped? The bottom line is that guy injected himslf into that situation and the cop sees he's armed. Whether it be a 100% chance the guy could use it or, as you put it, a .0001% chance, there is no way the cop could or should be calculating odds in his head to help him decide how to handle that situation. It's there now, present right in front of him. Address the potential threat for his safety and that of everyone else until he completes the task and leaves the scene.

You're comparing apples and oranges but okay.

Adam Lanza was nuts, on dangerous meds and unsupervised.

Eric Harris was also on the same SSRI meds as Lanza known for making you violent. Dylan's parents won't reveal his medical records hmmmm....

Chris Dorner we know nothing about yet so no comment.

FYI... this country has rolled back hospitalizing/securing the insane to the the same number of beds occupied as when there were only 6 million people in this country in the early 1800's. They are on the street.

Granted bottom line is you never know who is dangerous but both acted irresponsibly, I'm not advocating walking up to a cop performing his duty showing you're armed, dumb move but cops are increasingly proving that most are not worthy of the badge they carry.

Look at the innocents they shot without cause this morning looking for Chis Dorner!!!!!

Look at the innocents they shot without cause this morning looking for Chis Dorner!!!!!


That is so beyond messed up. They opened fire on a vehicle without knowing who was inside. And the vehicle was also the wrong color, make, and model.
You're comparing apples and oranges but okay.

Adam Lanza was nuts, on dangerous meds and unsupervised.

Eric Harris was also on the same SSRI meds as Lanza known for making you violent. Dylan's parents won't reveal his medical records hmmmm....

Chris Dorner we know nothing about yet so no comment.

FYI... this country has rolled back hospitalizing/securing the insane to the the same number of beds occupied as when there were only 6 million people in this country in the early 1800's. They are on the street.

Granted bottom line is you never know who is dangerous but both acted irresponsibly, I'm not advocating walking up to a cop performing his duty showing you're armed, dumb move but cops are increasingly proving that most are not worthy of the badge they carry.

Look at the innocents they shot without cause this morning looking for Chis Dorner!!!!!

I'm only comparing apples to oranges because this guy didn't kill anyone. It is impossible for that cop to know anything about that guy and that is precisely why the officer must address this guy and limit the risk. The cop can't know if this guy is sane, nuts or about to snap. And if you did that job for a day, you would understand the need to drop what you're doing and give this doofus your utmost attention. Afterall, that's what he's looking for anyway.

And I agree there are likely more nuts walkng the streets than in recent times.

And it's easy for you to Monday morning quarterback a cop or cops. I'm not justifying the actions of the cops that shot the women delivering papers but unless you can put yourself in that moment, you have no idea how you'd react either. I know, I know...the car didn't match. Every cop in LA is a target and we know Dorner is a smart guy. After some time has passed, would Dorner be smart enough to take something other than the truck he fled in? Afterall, every cop in the county is lookin for the truck.

I'm done.
I didn't read through all the posts, but hear this out.

If that same officer was off duty and showed up on that kids property with a glock on his hip in street clothes, you better bet that kid would be calling the cops without any hesitation.

Disrespectful to approach an officer like that.