porting heads


Jun 16, 2001
I'm getting the head gaskets replaced this month and want to port and polish the heads while they are off. Would it be ok to send them to a local machine shop and be ported or what should I look for in a head porter. Not sure of my choices around where I live. I'd like the heads to flow pretty good, but not a all-out race port. Thanks for any help.
Originally posted by IronEagle119
TTT - I'm suprised usually someone has something to say... Any opinions?

Unless you get a remarkably good deal locally, you could probably buy some proven CNC'ed ported irons from Champion for about the same money as a local shop. Many shops quote a $500-700 port job but by the time you're done buying valves, springs, and paying separately for a valve job, you're around the $1k mark. I'm not sure what Champion's getting these days but it used to be around the $1k-1100 range.
If you look up TurboMike on this board, I believe he has someone in the WV area that does Buick turbo head porting for fairly reasonable prices.
thx for all the reply's I'm investigating my options... Greg sent you and e-mail, and will be looking for TurboMike :)