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Possible Year One Aluminum GN Wheels?!?


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Cat&wife post starter
May 26, 2001
Guys and Gals-
I had emailed Year One about the possibility of them making an aluminum GN wheel. It seems that the idea was contemplated about :biggrin: I saw that they make the Monte SS wheels in 17" and they are $199. Thought that was very reasonable. At any rate it looks like it might be a possibility that they might make a 2 piece (custom offset). Here are the emails (modified a little):

Thanks Doug,
I am a member of Turbobuick and GNTTYPE. I have owned over 10 G bodies (2
Turbo Regals) and I love them all.
The N90 came about due to being used on not only MCSS but also the late 2nd gen
Camaro's. Therefore my ROI
footprint was very large.

I would probably not build the GN wheel without a commitment (presales) as I
cannot gamble that sum of money
on only the possibility of sales.

On the first link you sent what I read is very typical for this type of project.
Some folks want 15", some
17" and some 18". Some want 8" wide, some 9" and some 9.5".

I am currently only making one piece wheels, therefore only one diameter, one
width and one backspace could be
offered per tool (per order). I am investigating and product testing a two
piece wheel at this time. Meaning, I could
offer a 17" two piece (multiple backspace) wheel at some point and possibly sell
enough to make sense.

Someone stated on the message board they could not get a manufacturer to build
the wheel due to copyright
infringement. That is only true if the wheel was built exactly like the original
(steel, chrome, 15x7 and so on).
Any change at all releases you from copyright or licensing liability to GM.

You are welcome to post my comments, I only ask that you remove my phone numbers
before doing so.
I can be reached through the Year One main line for anyone who wants to talk.

David Gravley
Year One Inc
Product Development Mgr
YearOne, Inc.

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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 2:13 PM
To: David Gravley
Subject: RE: Buick GN Wheels

What I can do for now is give you some links to the Turbobuick site. Hopefully
that will give you an idea of the popularity of the rim and some insight into
the owners. There was someone that was going to have them done larger (17"-18")
in aluminum but that seemed to fizzle out. Here is that link:

then there is a wheel that looks close to the GN wheel that Budnik is doing:
Hope you have a lot of time to read them:) The wheels definately get people's
attention. I do understand that you are a business and when I saw the Monte SS
ones for $200/each I thought that was reasonable. The Budnik ones are $$$$$, but
are fully customizeable. My personal opinion is that MOST TurboBuick guys are
very picky and borderline cheap. If you produce a 17-18" aluminum wheel for a
very reasonable price, I don't see having a problem selling them. How many, I
have no idea. They would have to be close to 100% replicas however. Alot of
regular regals like putting the GN rims on their cars too. The stock rim is 29
lbs and 15"x7". If you can, look over the links and let me know if I could do
anything. Even just posting our emails would lead to many many questions that I
couldn't answer at this time.
It looks like there were ALOT more Monte SS's made compared to GN's, but to give
you my honest opinion, I never did really like the SS rims (and I owned 1 too).
The GN ones seem a lot more desireable to have. But if I had a stock SS I
probably would buy them. Again though, it is your business and you know better
than I do.
Thank You_Doug

--- David Gravley <> wrote:
> Hello,
> We have considered making the GN wheel in a replica 17", however I
> am not sure there is enough demand to satisfy manufacturing cost.
> In order to build this wheel and recover the cost of a mold I need to sell a
minimum of 400 wheels.
> If 100 sets can be sold then I would consider moving forward on this wheel.
> How can you help?
> David Gravley
> Year One Inc
> Product Development Mgr
>> YearOne, Inc.
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> Follow along for new product updates and exclusive offers:
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marty Thomas
> Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 10:47 AM
> To: David Gravley
> Subject: FW: Buick GN Wheels
> David
> Would you care to address this? If not let me know.
> Thanks
> Marty
> X5495
> -----Original Message-----
>> Monday, December 12, 2011 12:39 AM Posted To: Email-Tech Support
> Conversation: Buick GN Wheels
> Subject: Buick GN Wheels
> Hello, noticed that you make the Monte SS wheels in 17" and you are also
making the snowflake wheels in larger sizes.
> Was wondering what it would take to make the GN wheels in 17-18", or
> if that is even possible. I know there is a lot of interest on
> for them. Thank You. _Doug
Anymore interest on this guys?? I will be ordering a set of wheels spring time, this sounds like a great deal. Either way these or budniks I am getting a set of gn wheels in 17s
May be even more of a market for the GTA style in 18. That way people with F-Bodies and G-Bodies could purchase instead of basically just catering to the GN guys
The GN wheels do look good, and gotta be about 800lbs.lighter, well not 800lbs. but you know what I
mean, my T wheels are much lighter , does anyone know what the diff. is per wheel, thanks, and the cost
per wheel 199.00 per wheel is for the 15 inchers, thanks again.

I would also be interested in the weight of them. I used the stockers for many years cause I liked the look of them, but finally power levels got to where I needed more tire and they were way too heavy. I had some AR Torque-Trust D's custom powder coated a few years ago after running the stockers for about 16-17 years.
I'd be game to go back to this type of wheel, I checked out the Budniks, they look fine...but I have Budnik's on my truck, they are great wheels but the polished billet aluminum is a royal PITA to keep like shiney new on a daily driver, may not be so bad on a car I don't drive all that often but I would think if they were coated rather than polished life would be so much easier.
Have a set of polished aluminum wheels on my TA that have been clear coated, they looked great for a few years but they are showing some tarnishing and fadding under the coating now and the coating grays so thats not the best option either.
The ARE's TT Ds on the GN were chromed to start with and are so easy to care for, that would be the preference from my standpoint and will look great forever.
Again, I'm interested for sure!
Thanks YO for having some interest in doing this, I've bought many of parts for my older TA's and ones I've had in the past from YearOne!
I noticed the Budnik's also carried over the goof on the turbo 6 emblem that was on the original GM center caps :D
at the 700-800 price i would be interested in gta in 18" or gn's in 15 17/18 depending on weight and looks.
I don't know much about wheels but maybe to keep costs down a cast wheel is in order,also the GN steel wheel design may not lend itself to certain constructions-its concave and folds in on itself-deep lip thing,I dont know. What I do know is the factory design is in my opinion the best and if it deviates even a little bit it looks kinda off.

Many people say 15 and 16 in rims are passe and the tire size is being fazed out?,maybe. However it would be nice to have at least a 16in option. The cars are big and blocky so they need some meats under them. imo 18 is getting into donk territory ha ha.

Also I have other rims that are natural polished aluminum and a good ole polish with meguires now n then keeps 'em looking like mirrors. Their not daily drivers though.

I see you can buy oem refin wheels(with core trades) and they are expensive so a healthy price on aluminum *yet accurate repro's* wouldn't be out of line.
I' m in too for 17" as long they look stock. I've been trying for long time to see if anyone makes 17" grand national wheels.
Sound good,but not really getting that warm fuzzing feeling. Before anybody would commit for sure,they would need to know exactly what Year One is willing to produce..size?..backspacing?..width? And needing 400 wheels presold before they even more forward is going to be alot. People will be,I think,very picky considering it will be such a specific wheel.Did he say anything about having a preprodution pic of what they have in mind? I hope they do put out a perproduction picture of what they are willing to make,depending on commitments, and the specifics.......I would be very interested see to what they may offer.
For the record. A stock GN wheel is 28 lbs. Same size in (Budnik) aluminum is 16.8 lbs. That takes 50 lbs off the wheels. This should be worth over a tenth in the 1/4 mile.

Mike Barnard
Just fyi, this is what the Budnik wheel looks like
That Center line wheel looks good, how much were they?

Would still like to see what Year One could do, might be in for a set of those.
since it looks to me that I would be the odd man out, but that is OK! I would prefer the 15/7 and 15/8's for DR's and such,I just like the
stock size personally, thanks.
Ron, how many MC SS's were made compared to the 25,000 or so GN's