I'll tell you what i dont think i will be buying off postons. I called and wanted to order a bunch of parts and the female told me if i bought over a grand of goods she would help on the shipping. Never happened, she then told me she couldn't. Then i order seat covers she did tell me they were on back order. I payed for the covers in Aug 07 and no covers.
I called feb 08 and asked she stated they were still on back order. They had no problem charging my card in Aug. with no product (which i belive they should have took payment when they sent me the covers). She stated she would give me my money back. Last week I called and asked about my refund and spoke to tony, who stated if he "gave everyone their money back in one week, he would go broke" I made the suggestion not to sell junk parts and parts he didn't have. Got my money back!! Hope poston doesn't go broke this week. Right on blck
Wow that's pretty messed up, you ask for a refund on parts not delivered after MONTHS of backorder you should get it -right away- with an apology for the lack of delivery, and frankly you shouldn't bill for something until it ships or is ready to ship at least then no refund is necessary.

Hopefully, John Spina will please consider
making a superb GNX-replica for us soon.

It would be a work-of-art, I'm sure. :smile: