Potential TTA Owner Question


Who Needs 8

I'm looking at buying a TTA soon. I used to have a GN that was totalled Two Months ago today :(

Do the T-Top TTA's have the same problems as the T-Top GN's with Frame Instabillity??? I know all T-top cars are less stable, but the GN's seem to be worse than normal.

<--- My GN was a Hard Top
Yes and no.

Yes they have the same problem when launching hard, however No they do not in the curves.

These cars handle like they are on rails. The 1LE suspension and brake package don't hurt either.

The problem is not as obvious on our cars, but we do benefit from frame connectors, etc... just like the GNs

Who's TTA are you thinking of buying?

I know Louis K. up in Pleugerville just North of Austin that has a 40K car for sale. Nice car. I wish I would have bought his.
Originally posted by bsdlinux

Who's TTA are you thinking of buying?

I know Louis K. up in Pleugerville just North of Austin that has a 40K car for sale. Nice car. I wish I would have bought his.

Yeah, I'm looking at his, as soon as we can figure out a time for me to be able to come look at it. :D
I didn't realize there were so many TTA's here in TX! hehe .. I reduced the number in Cali when I bought mine a year ago next week!
Think they are around 6-8 TTA owners only in the Houston area.
And i know they have some meetings between......