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power plate Question


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Chiming in......I also purchased the PP last year when it was fresh to the market.. I was a little let down due to my expectation for my knock to lower.
It did help a teeny bit on the knock, it does not come on as quickly but overall KR #'s drppoed only a teeny bit even with fuel tweaks to see.

But definetly was a HUGE difference on idle quality, throttle response, a smoother acceleration.

Any product that I install that effects the engine/performance characteristics on as many levels as I described then it is a must have. the Plate
Originally posted by salvageV6
"It would be poor business for Jason to dilute his profit margin by investing more money in a proven product that satisfies his customer base with no real chance of additional return. That is management."

Pure BS.

How many years did it take to almost do away with plenum spacers?

Making more power could actually be leaning out the car eh?

I'd prefer to know about redirecting airflow properly to all the cylinders, that would be the reason for the EGT test.

I could car less about 5-10 horsepower I want the reduced knock capability touted by many, practically promised by RJ. Jr. that just didn't materialize on my cars.

Yeah I own them too.... :rolleyes:

Do the darn test. :)

Speaking of pure BS.....How convenient it is to bleat, "Do the test"!

The air flow distribution has been published.

EGT testing may, or may not be as reliable as flow testing for the reasons I stated above. The throttlebody, plenum, Plate, intake manifold, combustion chamber is a complex system. Adding combustion complicates an already complicated process.

The plate has been dynotested and proven to work. You are the guy that continually raves about the value of dynotesting, but, suddenly, it is not good enough for you? This thread, alone, is full of testimonials from guys who have actually proven its performance on the track as well as the dyno.

The belief that it would be proven to be a restrictor by measuring pressure above and below the plate has been disproven by three different sources in this thread alone.

It is ludicrous to compare it to the spacers that were once sold. How many testimonials did we see on the spacer outside of those given by the vendors? Go find me one.

Perhaps instead of whining that it did not work for you, you might spend some time examining your tuning techniques in place before you installed the plates that may affect performance.

As stated by many, the plate has been proven to measurably improve performance for the majority of purchasers. You can insult their perceived intelligence by ignoring measured performance if you wish. Just don't try to insinuate that the Plate does not work based upon your failures in spite of the favorable results achieve by the vast majority.

But, if you want a test, do a test. Just don't expect someone else to do it for you. It is too late for that. Sell your plates and move on. Someone else may benefit from them in spite of your lack of success.
Its real entertaining to watch and listen to some as there scaret cow is being gourd! :D Keep it up guys! least till spring!
Wow ....Yall complain about the ones who did not have it making comments and now that someone who does you slam him to......

Useless thread....
"This thread, alone, is full of testimonials from guys who have actually proven its performance on the track as well as the dyno"

wow how many 6? that's alot. Please call the guys like LC, Jack Cotton, KD, and ask them if it is worth the metal if is made of. Then you will see the correct answer to this.

I said I wasn't going to post anymore on this and I did only because you all made me!:mad:
You know, I would like to do the individual cylinder EGT test but as stated many times in this post by so many non user Power Plate experts, since I am the vendor/inventor/seller of this part any or all tests that I have done or do are not credible and are viewed as B.S......
Originally posted by Hyper
Please call the guys like LC, Jack Cotton, KennyD, and ask them if it is worth the metal if is made of. Then you will see the correct answer to this.

You obviously haven't.
Dude, just about every vendor I know of sells and recommends these plates. You're just grasping at straws now. Just drop it, no one cares what you think. Let it die already. And I hope you read what I posted about you responding to other peoples posts saying the pp may not work. Thats just all out stupid. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, so don't let on like you do, you may fool someone into thinking your credible and fu(k up their car too.
The people who don't think the power plate works should put one on their car and prove us power plate users wrong. All of my results are from track testing where it really counts.
Originally posted by FLYNRYAN87
I ran the car in Las Vegas and ran 33lbs of boost and got 30 degrees knock retard in 3rd gear and no head gasket failure. Thank God for the powerplate!!

Might want to think about ordering a set of head gaskets to have in stock. ;)
Hyper and Bug,

What is hard to understand is that you seem to be on a crusade to stop the sale of Power Plates, based on your opinions of it's function (or lack thereof). It would seem to me that if you can't believe the thing would work, you just wouldn't buy one.
Just what is it that you are trying to accomplish/prove by your posts? :confused:
Originally posted by FLYNRYAN87
I ran the car in Las Vegas and ran 33lbs of boost and got 30 degrees knock retard in 3rd gear and no head gasket failure. Thank God for the powerplate!!

Let me explain a little more about what Ryan said here so it makes more sense. He sometimes abbreviates stuff a little too much. I was at Vegas when he did this.

He drove the car down from Utah bolted his slicks on, dumped the race gas in, and opened the fender well dump that he has on the car that allows the exhaust a straight shot out of the turbo to the top of the front tire area. He had the boost set at a steady 25lbs with closed exhaust. When he uncaps this dump his boost always increases due to the elimination of backpressure. He guessed that it would increase a few pounds and backed his waste gate rod off to lower the boost to compensate. He went up to the line and made his first pass. His car felt very strong but about the 1000-foot mark it actually started chugging. At the same time he glanced at the boost gage and it was pegged on the needle stop. Of course he instantly let off. When he got back to the pits he told me the story. We replayed the otc data and it reveled 30 deg knock retard through most of the run. He turned the boost down and made several more passes and I believe ended up being runner up in his bracket.

This run was a mistake on his part. He did not do it on purpose. Did the power plate prevent him from blowing his head gaskets? He is convinced of that. The point he was trying to make was he sure was glad he had the power plate insurance during that run.

I thought that you were building one for the Hemco upper as well? Is this not going to happen or are you still considering it?

In the past, he has said the Hemco is too restrictive volume wise to be able to properly straighten out the flow.

I still have a Hemco on a car and I remember how small the inside hole is compared to a normal plenum. Of course, no one ever said the Hemco was a restrictor. :)

I am going to toss mine and go to the PTE plenum with a plate. My other cars have a stock plenum. :)
Originally posted by Hyper
"This thread, alone, is full of testimonials from guys who have actually proven its performance on the track as well as the dyno"

wow how many 6? that's alot. Please call the guys like LC, Jack Cotton, KD, and ask them if it is worth the metal if is made of. Then you will see the correct answer to this.

I said I wasn't going to post anymore on this and I did only because you all made me!:mad:

I guess I am going to be #7. It totally eliminated all the part throttle knock. I have a knock meter about 1 foot from my face so i can see it real time.
I used to run 18-19 psig on California 91 oxygenated gas with only a hint of knock at the top of 3rd with 4 of my close friends in the car. They each weigh 180-200 lbs. I only run 100 or 110 now.
The first time I ran the car after I put it on, I could not keep the tires from roasting even from a no boost launch. I could launch at 1-2 psig on my 255 regular radials with only a little spin before the plate.
Sorry, no dyno or EGT readings. ERIC.:)
What are you, crazy taffy?!?! Those are real world test results, they are worth nothing! The only way to substantiate any part upgrade is to do a 6 cylinder egt and exhaust gas analysis. All us guys who bolt on bigger turbos and go faster can't be sure it was from the turbo, it could be from the heat dissipation of the larger housing.

See how ridiculous you sound hyper and boostedbug?

Steve, thats a very good point I didn't think of. Look at a hemco plenum, and how small the opening is. No one ever said that was a restriction. And it doesn't work near as well as a pp.

And Jason has an excellent deal on the pp and pte upper, in case you didn't see his ad. Thats the route I took, very nice. Thanks to Jason for making a very badly needed product.