Question about stock wheels and center caps.


New Member
Jan 1, 2003
I'm working on this '87 GN that I rescued a few months ago. When I got it, it had some awful aftermarket wheels on it, so I ordered up some stock rims in good shape from a board member. I also bought some new turbo-6 center caps from Kirban along with some lugs.

Today, I went into my local tire installer (Discount Tire) and had them do the wheel swap. It looked great when they were done, but I'm suspecting that they didn't install the center caps correctly. The reason I suspect it is that I had to change a flat tonight and noticed, when I pulled off the lugs and center cap, that the metal "teeth" that hold onto the lugs are all mangled up and kind of flattened against the cap.

So, my question is how are these things supposed to go on? I know the lugs hold them on, but are the teeth supposed to be flat against the wheel, flat against the center cap, or something in between? What piece sits between the lug and the rim, and how should it look after you take them off? Is bending and warping normal in the teeth?

Thanks, folks!

I think the center cap is still available at GN probally be less that $25 each.
Thanks, but I don't need any. I just want some answers about how they fit and whether mine are messed up.