Questions about bent frame on a unibody.


New Member
May 25, 2001
I am looking at a 2000 Camaro SS that has been in a wreck. It sounds like a pretty good deal, but am wondering if it is too good to be true. The damage does not look too bad, but the frame is bent this is what concerns me. Can anybody give me an estimate of how much it would cost to fix the frame or if i should just steer clear of this car.
A description of the frame damage is given below.

"The only place the
frame is bent is at the very front of the car where the front absorber bar is
connected to the frame. (It is the place that the frame is supposed to bend with
the absorber) The bend is about 6 in. from the start of the frame and at a 35
degree angle."

Thanks for your input
doesn't sound too bad BUT, if it is badly kinked, it is supposed to be sectioned in with a new piece. one mans 35 degree angle is anothers 45...
If it is just the front tip, it shouldn't be structural. to check, just drive it. If it drives fine, the damage is not very deep (that's good)
Typically, prices would be:
$100.00 setup and time to pull. Being as the one subframe end is bent that bad, the other will be off as well.
figure 4 - 6 hours pull time at 50 - 60 per hour. Also don't forget tear down time. The front end will have to be disassembled to access the damaged areas.
Yes - what zam70 said. The extensions are just to hang the bumper off of. If that's truly all that's bent, then that's fine. The risk with a bend like that - with the leverage exerted by the force of a hit that far out is a "swaying" effect. While that particular part of the frame might be a 35 degree angle, the rest of it - up to the firewall - could be at an angle, too. Not hard to fix, but there's often more than meets the eye with these things. There's a reason it's totaled - the insurance adjusters are trained to account for things that you can't see.

That being said, there are lots of good deals in rebuilt totals. My family has had nearly a dozen over the past 20 years. All, except for one rogue Lincoln Continental, have been great cars. Including my GN.

Here's my dad's 1999 Camaro SS. It's a rebuilt total:

Good luck,