R. I. P. Dale 3

That was great. I have the song on CD, that was the first time seeing the video. Boy do I miss the 3. Nascar has not been the same since he passed.
Im glad somebody liked it


3 was my man to,,,but intil somebody takes over the "crown" it will never be the same:(
Dale SR was my driver since the wrangler days. I got lucky working with Ford 3 times to meet him in the Garage area, I spoke to him for about 10 minutes each time. Chocolate myers told me I was very lucky as Dale really did not speak with fans for any great length of time.

He really was a nice guy and a good ole boy, I was lucky enough to have my picture taken with him and Richard Childress. I am not sure how true, but inside the garage area a few guys told me he had a nasty habit of loosening his seat belt with 2 to go.

Who knows if that is why he died, I saw him wreck at Talladega in person years back and thought nobody would live that wreck and he walked away.

He will be truly missed forever, guess if you are going to go. Go doing what you love. :(
I've been trying to find that song since the wreck. I sure do miss watching him race. I've been a die-hard 3 fan since I was a kid.
Re: Works for me

Originally posted by JOHNDEEREGN

The link just goes to the "yahoo music" home page........:mad:

post a link for me.........;)
there is a link on that page that says

click here to re-link or something like that,,,click on it,,I just tried again and it worked.
having problems

was having problems viewing it, so I signed in to yahoo music and then turned OFF pop-up blockers.. wait for 15 second commercial and then it plays

song is titled
Ridin' with the Legend by Keith Bryant
-- looks like it came out in 2004