Rap Videos or women's pride?

What is your opinion of these videos?

  • There's nothing wrong with them!

    Votes: 17 26.6%
  • They're degrading to women!

    Votes: 16 25.0%
  • I don't watch them so I don't care.

    Votes: 31 48.4%

  • Total voters
i'm sure bill O had something to say about this. I agree with him all the time exceot when it comes to rap. People need to be responsible for their kids. I was taught right from and wrong and took rap for its entertainment value only.
Rock Videos only for me. Rap SUCKS!!!

You know the good ones like V.H.'s Hot For Teacher and Q.R's Girls Girls Girls. ;)

As long as the women get paid and pay their share of taxes it's all good, can't say I've watched too many lately however...
I'm shocked at these poll percentages. I would have thought those on this board have better morals, guess not. Pretty disappointing to say the least.
I have to look at it from both sides.

Instinctively, I don't like the videos. I don't care for the way the rappers portray themselves and I don't care for the way they belittle women.

Yes, this is entertainment and shouldn't be considered anything more then that. One also has to remember that nobody is forcing these women to do this.

And like mentioned above, the rock videos of old did similar things. And some of those videos I didn't care for too much either.

Still it just seems that they were done with more taste and class. I used to LOVE the ZZTop videos. Anybody remember Robert Palmer? :)

Rap is what some people like. And that's fine. Everyone has a choice.

As for me. It just seems like the bucket is having to dip too far in the well to pull up decency these days.
If it's okay and highly acceptable for Robert DeNiro to blow away some bimbo in a Mall parking lot (Pulp Fiction), an hour or so after having sex with her, all in the name of high art I might add, Hollyweird style, then rap videos shouldn't really bother you much. Yeah that was a run on sentence, I know.

Entertainment on a simple level and we all know sex and violence SELL!

That type music and lifestyle has no more to offer in MHO.
I didn't know Robert DiNero was in Pulp Fiction. However, you're comparing an R rated movie one pays to see to something on standard cable or satellite TV. Apples vs. oranges.
He wasn't. :D

It was Jackie Brown another Tarrantino classic.

R or TV rated are both available in Rap videos and movies.

Not much left to the imagination in either.

More like whole apples and cored apples. ;)
Morals aren't taught on TV anyway.Oh wait a minute, that's right, they are.

Pass me dem tater's, Ho! Or I'll have ta git out ma credit card.

Seriously though, I look at those vids and just assume those women are "pros" at the "shoe shows" and Blow it off.Can't really stand rap music nowadays.If they weren't in the vids, I bet rap's audience would deminish quite a bit.Funny how Howards off the radio (yes RADIO) and the F.C.C. hasn't tried to come down on this at all.Even though you guys pay for the sat/cable service that airs this crap.I got rid of it all a long time ago.I get 2 (1 + 1)
channels on my T.V. out here in the sticks.And really after a few weeks, I won't lie, I really don't care to watch too much.
Originally posted by TT/A1233
I'm shocked at these poll percentages. I would have thought those on this board have better morals, guess not. Pretty disappointing to say the least.

So you decide morality for all the board members now. Huh?:rolleyes:
Originally posted by whitehot84
So you decide morality for all the board members now. Huh?:rolleyes:
Nope. I'm not deciding the morality of anyone, I AM however making a judgement of some members morality based on their response to this poll/topic. Am I not allowed to do that?

On a side note, it's encouraging to now see those who appove of this FILTH in the minority. There is hope....
Originally posted by TT/A1233
I'm shocked at these poll percentages. I would have thought those on this board have better morals, guess not. Pretty disappointing to say the least.

I dont get my morals from my entertainment nor my political party.

I watch them, for entertainment. Very few have women in the kitchen and fetching slippers and pipes. So thats a good thing right?

I have seen some videos, Kalis to name one, that sort of objectifies men, Dont think the game doesn't work both ways.
Originally posted by 36IndexGN

I have seen some videos, Kalis to name one, that sort of objectifies men, Dont think the game doesn't work both ways.

How about not objectifying anybody in any video or any movie! I wouldn't want to make a difference in gender but I guess sex really sells these days.

But isn't the original question how these videos work with your morality and not if you take any out of them?
Its Called money, and women will do anything for it. Why don't you ask the ladys that are in these videos what they think? They don't care, there just carryin around those gay Louie Vaton purses or how ever the heck you spell that crap, Its not the mens fault really. Women more mature then men????:rolleyes:

I cannot seriously believe how narrow someone could be to say that RAP MUSICK is crap! Rap musick represents a culture like all forms of musick in some form or fashion.
I think Rock and Roll S U C K S!!! I even think ELVIS SUCKED! But what the hell, black people created all of it, Rap too!;) It all derived from the same culture, and all rap musick DOES NOT belittle women! LOL! There are many other forms of musick that have done that a long time before RAP came along.:rolleyes:
If we are going to narrow it down to rap musick, then it would only be fair to pick certain artist that do this sort of thing. Do any of you have a certain artist in particular or is this some sort of ignorant statement?
Dirtybird-I just think that Rap is leading the way since their vids seem to be getting more airplay and they're pushing the envelope more than the others right now.But they aren't alone, for sure.I agree with you, it's way bigger than Rap music.

"Elvis, was a hero to most, but he never meant S$%T to me you see,Straight up racist that sucka was simple and plain, M.F. him and John Wayne..." P.E. Fight the Power!
Originally posted by TT/A1233
Nope. I'm not deciding the morality of anyone, I AM however making a judgement of some members morality based on their response to this poll/topic. Am I not allowed to do that?

On a side note, it's encouraging to now see those who appove of this FILTH in the minority. There is hope....

Let me make myself clear here. I think RAP is the fowlest thing to come along in my lifetime but I don't make judgements on anyone. I try to be the kind of person who gets along with everyone. Of course there are those that can't or won't allow that.
Whoever calls it RAP "music" is even less informed. When they have to use profanity and women bashing or killing to entertain, then there is a hole in our society.
Morality is faith based and there is no more biased arguments than religion and politics.
With that I will go on living my life the way I see fit and hope that everyone else is comfortable with theirs.
I notice in the replies in favor that there are numerous spelling errors and it is obvious that they are very young. I maintain that this "music" has decayed the minds of our young people and this is a prime example.