Renting a supercar.


Aug 16, 2009
Hey guys was wondering if anyone had rented a Lambo. Im thinking about it since my B day is in April. Its 1400 for a 24 hour period. Anyone done this before. Oh yeah my Buick might cross paths with it Lol.
Flaco,its youre birthday do up the pacific coast hwy for 12 hours and come back!$1400 car rental,$400 in gas,$200 in coffee.youre birthday priceless!
Rented a supercar in Vegas once, she was a real thrill :biggrin:
I always wanted to do that also. Check into it that $1400 includes 50 miles than it's like $10 a mile after the first 50. Take some pics if you do rent one, I love Lamborghini's and most any exotic cars.
Probobly gonna do it and go up pac highway stopping along for pics and food. I called my insurance and they said they will cover the rental.
Make sure you read every word of that contract! Look for a clause with a penalty if you exceed a stated speed - you can bet they have a gps recorder in the car and if you sign, you will pay.
+2 on reading the contract CAREFULLY! One club I'm in has a national meet the weekend after fathers day each year, it's always back east and too far to drive from SoCal so I rent. And put a wet nitrous kit on. And race:cool: The Northstar Caddy in '09 was a loaf even with a 175shot:mad: so I looked at renting an exotic for '10. They clearly state that if you take them offroad (like maybe to a racetrack) or exceed the speed limits, they reserve the right to come and pick up the car:eek:
YouTube - alans RENTAL CADDY with NOS burnout SDAC 18

what type of cars can you choose from? how exotic does it get and does the price go up?
Dude.....get the 599 GTB, it will blow your mind.

meh....Lambo, at then end of the day you paid $1400 to drive a big VW.