Saturday was a killing field...kills 1, 2 and 3 within the hour on new combo


Feb 12, 2008
So Saturday I'm changing out brake pads on my suburban, 140K on the original set, and wouldn't you know it, I don't have a T55 torx to get the caliper off. Since the roads were dry from all the recent snow that melted, I decided to take the GN out and stretch her legs, it's been a couple weeks in the garage waiting out winter. So I get to the parts store, get my torx bit, get the usual compliments from the parts guys, nice GN etc.. :)

So I'm on my way back to the house and trouble found me...I was wondering when it would happen. I was sitting at the light to turn left and get on the breezer (highway) and a newer GT500 Mustang is behind me reving the engine....oh you want to play huh? So I make my left and get on the entrance ramp at a moderate pace and the mustang is all over my a$$, that's it...I put the hammer down and so did the was never even close, turbo is coming up on boost hard, and it's all over, I left him like he was sitting still, needless to say he stayed behind me while I was on the's the first kill on the new combo, and I just can't contain myself.

So I get home and start taking the caliper off, and wouldn't you know it, GM must have used some really good locktite and I goobered my torx to the store again for another bit. So I'm minding my own business and low and behold a new GTO pulls along my side at the light. I look over, and it's a fairly young guy and I could tell he was itching to get a taste of the "dark side" by inching up at the light waiting for the green. Sure enough, we get rolling and he's all in...I'm telling myself, you gotta be kidding, but hey, I'm game, I'm still giddy on the first kill, let's go for 2. So I go for it and same thing, as soon as the turbo comes up, it hits like a hammer and I'm putting lengths on this new GTO, I've gotta get a converter to match this turbo, but I just don't have the coin right now, anyhow, I slow down and the guy rolls his window down and so do I. He first gives me the thumbs up and said, WOW, that thing get's down the road, had to see what your GN would do against the GTO. I'm trying to contain a grin that is going past each ear if you know what I mean. :)

Now the last kill wasn't much of a kill, but on the way back from getting another Torx bit, dude in a HHR wants to play. Needless to say it was over before it started, but it was incredable that within 1 hour, the GN had done 3 kills...must have been hungry from sitting in the garage... LOL

I've always wondered how the new engine would perform since getting her back together over the summer...guess I know, even on a safe tune. I will say that the air was nice and cool, which probably didn't hurt ;) Well she's back in the garage and I can only wait for another nice was worth the expense of building this engine to run...

That's not a "Kill". That's a smorgasbord.

Thanks for sharing your time at the trough.:D

Happy spooling.
Mike Barnard
Good kills!:biggrin:

Yeah....I never pass on an opportunity to smoke an HHR. Those and PT Cruisers just piss me off as soon as I see them...:mad: I'm getting mad just thinking about them right now...:mad:
What's the combo. The GT is pretty stout. Of Course, not a match for the darkside...:cool:

Don't beat them up too much. If you do you won't get any more action.
You've deffinatly got a good running car cause those new 2010 GT 500's run in the low 12's out of the box. With very little after market stuff go to low 11's.
Mods are: 3.8 block .20 over. diamond forged slugs, K1 rods, steel crank, #2 and 3 centers, 206/210 roller cam with ported stock heads, TE-61 turbo running 19 PSI boost, 3" DP, 42 injectors running on 91 octane and a semi mild tune with no knock :) I do need to change the converter out, it's still the D-5 :(

I hope to get a better converter later this year, and freshen up the 200, but so far I love the combo.

nice kill

don't sweat beating everyone down, it gives them something to gun for and then break their heart when you bust that a55 up