ScanMaster VS TurboLink VS DirectScan



What should i buy...Scanmaster, TurboLink or DirectScan...I do have an Laptop....whats the pro's and cons of each....Turbo Link is cheaper.....Scanmaster doesnt use my rather use my laptop....but if the scanmaster does stuff the laptop doesnt then who knows...But what should i buy? Thanks
Also does anyone have links or pics where i can see what the programs look like running that would be great..Thanks for your help...
Take a look at:

and go to the Comparison Chart. Lays out some of the Pros/Cons and you can decide what features/functions are important to you.

Also, there are two different demos you can download and play with.
I have Tlink, it works well and Ken has been a real nice guy to deal with when I needed a new boost sensing harness....and it runs great on most laptops.

Boost Sensing? Huh u mean after the 150 i have to purchase something else to have my laptop figure out boost? Hmmm....O and will a 486 Pentium 75mhz do the job...If not i guess ill leave my GOOD laptop in the car id rather use my POS one....
T link has an optional "boost sensing" harness, so you can see your boost during runs for tuning. (Very helpful)

The ECM doesn't even know about the boost, the MAP sensor is only for the stock boost gauge!

I could be wrong, but I belive that to be true.

The DOS version of TurboLink runs fine even on an 8080 (although I wouldn't recommend it! :)) Take a look at the V2.13 minimum system requirements on the web page.

Your 486/75Mhz machine sounds a lot like my "car laptop" that I use.... I don't feel quilty about dropping that in the dirt at the track :D

We're working hard to make 3.0 run on my old 486 so it may even work when the new version comes out. We may have to require a low end Pentium, but if we can, we'll make it work on the 486.

As far as the MAP sensor in the car, Chris is right ... it only drives the LED boost gauge on analog dash cars (digital dash cars don't even HAVE a MAP sensor). That MAP sensor only reads to 2 BAR (30 InHg to 15 psi), so the boost sensing harness requires the use of a 3 BAR (30 InHg to 30 psi) so we can read boost at the levels we all normally run.

Any questions, feel free to drop me some email at:
Aight i guess im putting my Good laptop in the car....266mhz
I just found this link searching for info on the MAP sensor, before buying Turbo Link. I thought the digital dash cars had a stock boost "gauge". In my digital dash car, below the "turbo power" wording there are two lights (nonfunctioning in mine now, due to the aftermarket boost gauge). Didn't a yellow light come on when the car was boosting, and a red light come on over a certain boost setting? I could very well be WAY off base here, but I seem to remember hearing that (probably in one of those other forums :p ) If the dig. dash cars do in fact NOT have a MAP sensor, then Ken, please disregard my email :cool: Thanks!

Too late ... already answered it!

Basically, digital dash cars used a pressure switch and don't have a MAP sensor.