Security for your tow rig and trailer


10 second hot air
May 25, 2001
Spoke with Finish line motor sports this weekend and they are getting together a group purchase for the boot for securing our trailers and vehicles while at Buick Events. To get the biggest price break they will need 60 orders which will leave the cost to be about 130.00 each. These are the ones that police stations use and would be the added security we are all looking for after what happened at the nationals. If interested please post your name and get me your email address so we can get this order in.
I'd like to see which one you're talking about as well Jamie. Please post a link or at least pics. :)
I will get the information from Bobb and Finishline, he's hoping to get the top of the line unit. I will try to get the link posted shortly.
With the lug nuts exposed, wouldn't they be able to just take off the wheel?
This is true but it would be a hassle for the theif to do that. The price is going to be about 120.00, they are also looking at other avenues for this as well.
Very true about the lug nuts being exposed! All/most trailers have the spare right on them or in the bed of the pick-up so a simple swap and they are Gone and they will leave you your nice wheel lock sitting there for you to keep once they are gone with everything! The "Top of the line" ones cover the lug nuts so the wheel can not be removed and they also go through the wheel...

I say Support a web site Vendor! At this time we are looking at several great security possibilities that will add security to your rig and render the trailer immobile...

Scot W.
stay away from the tubular lock, takes about 5 seconds to pick, seen it done, have a body that does repo's, might as well leave the key in it.
The biggest problem is if a thief really wants your car, it's going to be tough to stop someone good. You basically would have to be able to lock up the tow rig, trailer, and your car on the trailer. So you would need 3 boots. And even then they can take it away on a flatbed.
The biggest problem is if a thief really wants your car, it's going to be tough to stop someone good. You basically would have to be able to lock up the tow rig, trailer, and your car on the trailer. So you would need 3 boots. And even then they can take it away on a flatbed.
This kind of thinking resulted in not having alarms and letting them have the low hanging fruit to pick.

It's about layers. A security system with a wheel lock makes them work for it. The more the thief has to work, the better your chance he'll move to a simpler target. Thieves are opportunistic and typically lazy. Make them work for it.
This kind of thinking resulted in not having alarms and letting them have the low hanging fruit to pick.

It's about layers. A security system with a wheel lock makes them work for it. The more the thief has to work, the better your chance he'll move to a simpler target. Thieves are opportunistic and typically lazy. Make them work for it.

I'm not saying do nothing. I'm saying we need something effective. There's a good reason why I never left my GN anywhere out of my site.
I have forwarded the information to finishline, to make it clear they were not going to make any money on this just trying to provide security for our vehicles when we go to these event.s
I'm not saying do nothing. I'm saying we need something effective. There's a good reason why I never left my GN anywhere out of my site.

When you close your eye's.. When your at work.. its out of your site. GPS systems are nice, but they require monitoring and as you say can be disabled "IF" the thief knows how/where it was installed. When someone wants something bad enough.. they will go through layers.

The boot and alarm are not impossible, but add those layers of drama an opportunistic thief doesnt want.

I'm in for a nice tire boot for the trailer. Anyone can dig one up nicer.. please post up.
stay away from the tubular lock, takes about 5 seconds to pick, seen it done, have a body that does repo's, might as well leave the key in it.

You mean the round type key? Like on vending machines?
The Denver Boot may work well for the Cities because they have the vehicle info and people know there will be reckoning to be had it they F with it.

If it's not a city issued unit they can just cut it off. A sawzall with a new blade will cut through it like butter!

Don't get me wrong, i like the idea, i just seems flawed.
