Shifter indicator


Mar 5, 2003
Is there a light somewhere in the console for the shifter indicator?

I dont drive the car very often but when i drive it at night i have to turn on the dome light to see which gear im in.

Im sure after all these years if it had one im sure it could be blown out.
Yep, probably got a burnt out bulb in there. Should be a 194 peanut type bulb if I recall correctly.
It's either the bulb or the ground wire. I've seen several TR's with a broken ground wire in the console. I think the linkages in there sometimes snag it and pull it loose.
When I was putting my GN back together I forgot to hook it up. What I did is unscrewed the top plate on the console (the one surrounding the shift indicator), turned it sideways and reached under there and plugged it in. You should be able to replace the bulb that way to.

Hope that helps.