so thinking about building a getaway/hunting/party if need be cabin


I heart Boost and DRs...
Dec 2, 2009
I have been thinking about a multiple room cabin incase friends come, but not sure on it. This will be placed on property that I have in Tx. I got a feeling and this is going off a apartment I have rented with 14x14 rooms and bare essitials in the cabin Im looking at about 10 grand for a 3 bedroom with a living area and thats with me and brothers doing it. I didnt factor in having to do a well cause there is one already there on the spot and Im not sure about it having to be inspected either.

I went with 14x14 rooms for the bedrooms cause me and my brothers are bigger guys and well the wives or girlfriends or both might want a little piece of a bed when we go to sleep. the living area might end up being a 20x20 with more then likely a seprate kitchen or make a open setup havent decided yet.

What do yall think?