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So, ya say ya got a fast bike? (Jason Cramer's answer)


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Buick From Hell

Staff member
May 29, 2001
Just had to load these videos on my server and post it up!

In Jason's own words:

here is the story condensed version.

There were these kids at the local car show on their crotch rockets tooting
their horn about how fast their bikes were. I mentioned to a friend of mine
how i would like to race them if they were game. They were laughing that a
car wanted to race a bullet bike. at one time during the day a group of
teenaged girls walked by. they were snickering and laughing to each other
how that is the black car that wants to race her boyfriends bike. I just
looked the other way and let them have their fun. The guy with the fastest
bike of the group asked me "why do you want to race us, My bike runs 9.5 in
the quarter. I looked up the specs on the internet, there is no way you can
compete ." I told them i was just curious to see how fast they were.

a couple months went by and yesterday I finally caught up with them at an
old local desolate road to see if they would play. there were two bikes
there an Yamaha R6 which is a 600 and a GSXR 750 that was bran new fuel
injected and he had it all fixed up he said. it was the fastest one and the
one that the he claimed ran 9.5 in the quarter. they had a group of people
there with them including the snickering girlfriends.

the first race was with the R6. it is the slower of the two. i knew if i
raced the faster of the two first then i would only have one race.

Here's 3 video's, they're Quicktime movies, between 3 and 5 megs each...

This is racing the slower bike...
This is the faster bike...
Best for last, racing the faster bike, FINISH line version ...

:D enjoy!
Bad ass!

Bike guys kill me, always talkin' trash. Yeah, they are fast, but don't impress me. Seriously, you take a bike that ran 11's stock, mod the hell out of it and run what? 9's? Whoop-de-do.
I would love to hear the excuses.
I missed a gear.
I wasnt really trying.
I did not know that you had a "race car" I thought it was a street car.
I was running old bad gas and didnot want to push it.
Wow, Jason really knows how to hurt some feelings!!! :eek: Those guys must've felt so stupid after talking all that smack...

That last video really shows what a Brick can do to a "bullet" bike :biggrin:

BTW, I wish we had some roads like that down here!!!
I second Mark! We need roads like that.

Whats so special about bikes anyways? It's easy as hell to make something that small go that fast.
that was so sweet please keep doing that to those young dumb smart you know what !!oh and always fast with class i've still got wood!
Very nice the back ground is beautiful, I would like a nice shot of the car on that road with the moutain range in the back ground.

The only thing that would make this video better is if you got more aggressive on the launch and got some air under the front wheels then immediately pan to the expressions on the snickering girls faces...

this video is a must keep on my computer....
What type of media player are you using to view the clips? I can't get them to d/l either..... :confused: :(

N/M.......went back and saw that it was Quicktime, which I don't have on my laptop......dangit. Stupid work laptop....... :mad: