Speed Ticket Beaters

Just got a speeding ticket and sent them an email. They quoted me $74.00 for info to beat my ticket. Do you think this is legit?:confused:
Originally posted by AirBuick
Just got a speeding ticket and sent them an email. They quoted me $74.00 for info to beat my ticket. Do you think this is legit?:confused:

No, I'm sure they will give you a bunch of pointers, but they don't know any magic words, trust me.
Agreed. This is just someone's "get rich quick" scheme.

If the ticket is based solely on radar they'll:

- Offer a challenge to the radar's accuracy.
+ This is countered by the officer's testimony that the unit is checked for accuracy before and after each shift. It's also verified via the patrol car's speedo during the shift. The officer will testify to this.

- Offer a challenge that the radar picked out someone other than you.
+ This is countered by the officer's personal observations of your vehicle's speed. The estimation need not be exact, but as long as the officer has a visual estimation of your speed and it closely matched the radar's indicated speed.

- Offer advice on how to postpone court dates in hopes the officer won't show.
+ Even if this happens the officer has the right to appeal, just like a defendant does so it still doesn't mean automatic dismissal.

My best advice:
If your record is excellent make contact with the officer personally prior to court. If you were wrong, be contrite and explain you were in the wrong, have no problem admitting to it and would like the officer to amend the ticket to a no point violation at court. A good radar ticket is very difficult (if not impossible) to beat at court if the officer knows what he's doing and made detailed notes on his copy.

Good luck.